释义 |
利物浦 LìWùPǔ 基本例句 Liverpool 你们这样年纪的人大多还记得披头士乐队吧,他们都是利物浦人。The Beatles, as many of you are old enough to remember, came fromLiverpool. 利物浦队夺得优胜杯後喜气洋洋。Liverpoolwere in a jubilant mood after their cup victory. 利物浦队正全力以赴准备四年後第三次赢获联赛冠军。Liverpoolare chasing their third league title in four years. 利物浦的码头工人罢工了。The dockers inLiverpoolare out. 利物浦队因对方一队员用手触球而得到一个罚球。Liverpoolwere given a penalty when one of their opponents handled the ball. |