

单词 blocking out
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动词 block out:
plan where and when songs should be inserted into a theatrical production, or plan a theatrical production in generalprevent from enteringshield from lightindicate roughly A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, blocking out all of the sun but its corona, or outer ring.
日蚀是在月亮穿过太阳和地球之间时发生,挡住全部的太阳只留下光环或外环。 bbs.edulife.com.cn

Certain brain waves, known as sleep spindles, play a key role in blocking out sound during sleep, allowing people to stay asleep through a barrage of noises.
一种脑波,也就是人们知道的睡眠梭形波,在阻隔声音,让人们在一连串的嘈杂声中保持入睡状态起着非常重要的作用。 qiuyang

“ You would see the Earth blocking out the Sun but with this really bright red ring around the Earth, ” he said.
你会看到地球挡住了太阳,然而在地球边缘会有一圈鲜红色的光圈。 ebigear

Addressing the root of the problem, completely blocking out any negative distractions and thinking purely positive thoughts is the best way for you to develop motivation in your everyday life.
要根除这个问题,彻底抵挡任何不良障碍和完全积极地想法是最好的办法来让你建立每天的动力。 yeeyan

Here I start blocking out colors.
这里我开始填色。 cgplayer

I also suggest only blocking out50 minutes at a time to prevent burning yourself out.
我还建议一次只要工作50分钟以防止使我精疲力竭。 yeeyan

If you're a jazz lover, you might practice by turning on some music and listening only to the alto saxophone, blocking out all the other instruments or vocals.
如果你是爵士乐爱好者,你就要练习在一段音乐中只听中高音萨克斯管,其他乐器声和歌唱声一律不听。 hjenglish

Imagine that the cocoon is blocking out all outside distractions, so you can really focus on what they're saying.
想象这个茧隔开了一切外部的让你分心的事儿,那么你就能够真正地做到全神贯注地聆听对方了。 hjenglish

She agrees to do it but she thinks it's probably an exercise in futility and believes that what she really should be doing is blocking out at least an hour a day.
她虽然同意了,可是却认为这也许是一个无效的行为、并认为她至少应该每天用1小时。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Blocking out the sun would help to cool the planet, but it would do little to address other nasty side- effects of high carbon- dioxide levels, such as the acidification of the oceans.
阻挡阳光照射将有助于地球的降温,但对高级别的二氧化碳产生的其它负影响却几乎无能为力,比如对海洋的酸化. ecocn




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