词汇 | 分庭抗礼 |
释义 | 分庭抗礼 辨形“庭”,不能写作“廷”。 辨析分庭抗礼和“平起平坐”。都有地位平等的意思。不同在于:①“平起平坐”含有“权力相等”的意思;分庭抗礼没有。分庭抗礼仅用于双方;“平起平坐”多用于双方;有时也可用于多方。分庭抗礼比喻互相对立或争权;“平起平坐”不能。 辨形“庭”,不能写作“廷”。 辨析分庭抗礼和“平起平坐”。都有地位平等的意思。不同在于:①“平起平坐”含有“权力相等”的意思;分庭抗礼没有。分庭抗礼仅用于双方;“平起平坐”多用于双方;有时也可用于多方。分庭抗礼比喻互相对立或争权;“平起平坐”不能。 法文tenir tête àdemander l'égalité en droits avec qn. 俄文быть на рáвной ногé 德文jm als Ebenburtiger entgegentreten sich mit jm auf gleiche Stufe stellen 子路高声说道:“他就是我们的先生,鲁国的君子孔子呀!” 子贡补充说:“他,就是以忠信;仁义闻名于各国的孔圣人。” 渔夫微微一笑,说:“恐怕是危忘真性,偏行仁爱呀。” 渔夫说完,转身朝河岸走去。子贡急忙把渔夫说的话报告孔子。孔子听后马上放下琴,猛然站起身,惊喜地说:“这位是圣人呀,快去追他!” 孔子快步赶到河边,渔夫正要划船离岸,孔子尊敬地向他拜了两拜,说:“我从小读书求学,到现在已经六十九岁了,还没有听到过高深的教导,怎么敢不虚心地请求您帮助呢?” 渔夫也不客气,走下船对孔子说:“所谓真,就是精诚所至,不精不诚,就不能动人。所以,强哭者虽悲而不哀,强怒者虽严而不威,强亲者虽笑而不和。真正的悲没有声音感到哀,真正的怒没有发出来而显得威,真正的亲不笑而感到和蔼。真在内者,神动于外,所以真是非常可贵的。从此用于人间的情理,事奉亲人则慈孝,事奉君主则忠贞,饮酒则欢乐,处丧则悲哀。” 孔子听得很有启发,不住地点头。最后,孔子卑谦地对渔夫说:“遇见先生真是幸运。我愿意做您的学生,得到您的教授。请告诉我您住在哪里好吗?” 渔夫没有告诉他住在哪里,而是跳上小船,独自划船走了。这时,颜渊已把车子拉过来,子路把上车拉的带子递给孔子,但孔子全不在意,两眼直勾勾地望着渔夫的船影,一直到看不见船的影儿,听不见划水的声音,才惆伥地上车。 子路对孔子出乎寻常的表现不理解,在车旁问道:“我为您驾车已经很久了,还没见过像渔夫这样傲慢的人。就是天子和诸侯见到您,也是相对得礼,平等相待,您还带有点自尊的神色呢!但今天,那个渔夫撑着船篙漫不经心地站着,而您却弯腰弓背,先拜后说话,是不是太过分了呢?我们几个弟子都对您这举动觉得奇怪:对渔夫怎么可以这样恭敬呢?” 孔子听了子路的话很不高兴,伏着车木叹口气说:“唉,子路,你真是难以教化。你那鄙拙之心至今未改!你靠近一点,我告诉你听:遇到年长的不敬是失礼,遇到贤人不尊是不仁,不仁不爱是造祸的根本。今天这位渔夫是懂得道理的贤人,我怎么能不敬他呢?” 伉:通“抗”。 反义词 A2008 election resulted in a runoff between Mugabe and Tsvangirai. But if all the consoles matter, games companies have to produce games that run on all of them. The public seems happy that he has chosen to take the fight with Mr Ozawa out into the open. The Speed Sisters have in the past year competed against the toughest male drivers in the expanding car racing scene here. South Korean film in the local market has broken the hegemony of Hollywood film and even has gained the upper hand. For almost a year the congress tried to work out its differences with England, again without formally declaring war. Seems like that could be a contender. I liked the5.0 a lot except for the heel height. As Mukherjee writes, “ Cancer is indeed the load built into our genome, the leaden counterweight to our aspirations for immortality.” Chandler jettisoned the anti-union dogma and set about building a west-coast rival to the New York Times. If that's the case, the Rockets have quietly developed into the third best team in the Western conference and have a legitimate opportunity to give the Spurs or Suns all they can handle. Although Chalmers has upside, and Dwyane Wade and Kobe Bryant can cancel each other out most nights, the Lakers surely have the upper hand in their back- court with their experience and their depth. His devotion to empirical evidence and deductive logic put him at odds with the economics mainstream. Through this agreement, UPS expanded its network to130 cities in China, competing directly with FedEx, which had operations in144 cities at that time. The Tubo kingdom was powerful, standing with the Tang Dynasty as an equal, then Buddhist civilization brought it to a different kind of height. The Equus will try to go up against the Mercedes S-class and the Lexus LS. It is always difficult to compete in the Premier League with clubs who have more money. It was a time when some of the greatest philosophers of the Western tradition utterly disagreed, contradicting each other, at times trying to unravel and to ridicule each other's theories. China's massive size means that, though it is not yet a rival for the economic might of the United States, it does have the ability to influence the prospects of countries far beyond its borders. A divisive race could split the party, which already lacks a majority in the upper house. “ Nixonland” is also a study of how those resentments split the once triumphant Democratic Party into two warring factions. By contrast, Japan's level of science and technology in the60-70 age of the last century to upgrade quickly, followed by equal time with the United States. |
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