词汇 | 分崩离析 |
释义 | 分崩离析 辨形“析”,不能写作“柝”。 辨析分崩离析和“土崩瓦解”都有“分裂;瓦解”的意思。不同在于:分崩离析偏重于“分裂”;强调人心涣散;而“土崩瓦解”偏重在“崩溃”;强调彻底垮台。 辨形“析”,不能写作“柝”。 辨析分崩离析和“土崩瓦解”都有“分裂;瓦解”的意思。不同在于:分崩离析偏重于“分裂”;强调人心涣散;而“土崩瓦解”偏重在“崩溃”;强调彻底垮台。 法文s'effondrerse désagréger 俄文распáд 德文in Verfall und Zersplitterung geraten auseinanderfallen 孔子的学生冉有和子路当时都是季康子的谋臣,他俩觉得很难谏劝季康子,于是向孔子求教。孔子却怀疑这是冉有的主意。冉有说:“这是季康的主意,我和子路都想制止他。” 孔子说:“你俩既然辅佐季康,就应该尽力劝阻他。” 冉有又说:“不过,如今颛臾的国力越来越强大。现在不攻取,以后可能会成为祸患。” 孔子说:“这话不对!治理一个国家,不必去担忧土地;人口的多少;而应该多去想想怎样使百姓安居乐业。百姓一安定,国家就会富强。这时再施行仁义礼乐的政教来广泛招致远方的百姓,让他们能安居乐业。而你们俩辅佐季康,使得远方的百姓离心而不来归附,人民有异心而不和,国家分裂而不能集中。在自己的国家处于分崩离析的情况下,还想去用武力攻伐颛臾,我恐怕季康的麻烦不在颛臾,而在萧墙之内。” “萧墙”是国君宫门前的照壁。孔子的意思是季康的麻烦在内部而不在外面。在这个故事中又引伸出另一个成语“祸起萧墙”,形容内部发生祸乱。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 A civil war between Hutus and Tutsis tore the nation apart between1993 and2006. The other cause of unease is the euro, which threatens either to fall apart or to require yet another German-backed rescue. But long after this wreck has been broken apart, it will still act as a reef. But all know that if the jet engine and the biplane came apart, the result would be a horrible, fiery crash. By early2002, after angry demonstrations and a run on the banks, it had all fallen apart. Still, if the internet loses too much of its universality, cautions Mr Werbach of the Wharton School, it may indeed fall apart, just as world trade can collapse if there is too much protectionism. Perhaps you knew that what was falling apart was not your sense of self but some of your ideas. Western officials have hailed the defection of Libya's foreign minister as a sign that Moammar Gadhafi's government is falling apart. You can resist that change and see your old goals fall apart, or you can flow with it and actively participate in the process of change. Well, commercial real estate is coming apart at the seams, credit card losses are surging and nobody knows yet just how bad things will get in Japan or Eastern Europe. Their friendship was the attraction of opposites, and they represent two poles of possible response to their historical moment, in which the issues of race and liberty were pulling the nation apart. A boat that starts falling apart is unlikely to find a buyer at all. One reason to believe dark matter exists is that galaxies rotate at such speeds that they would fly apart without it, or so the argument goes. After an unexpected homicide at the halfway point, both films fall apart. In Keynes’s day, governments permitted the global banking system to rip apart after the failure of Creditanstalt in Austria. His world is falling apart, and there are times when he's not a nice guy, so we needed an actor audiences will still follow even when the character is being a bit of an ass. For months he and other Portuguese bosses have been rehearsing plans for what to do if the euro zone fractures or breaks apart completely. Unlike most countries, Germany is not driven by any great ambition, but rather by the fear that “ things could fall apart if they don’t hold on to stability, ” suggests Mr Kornblum. |
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