词汇 | 出类拔萃 |
释义 | 出类拔萃 辨形“拔”,不能写作“拨”。 辨析一出类拔萃和“超群绝伦”;都有“超出同类”的意思;但出类拔萃可以用在人的劳动成果;学识;才能方面;“超群绝伦”多用于技能和武艺方面; 二出类拔萃和“鹤立鸡群”;都可表示“人的才能;超出一般人”。但“鹤立鸡群”还可比喻一个人的仪表很突出。 辨形“拔”,不能写作“拨”。 辨析一出类拔萃和“超群绝伦”;都有“超出同类”的意思;但出类拔萃可以用在人的劳动成果;学识;才能方面;“超群绝伦”多用于技能和武艺方面;二出类拔萃和“鹤立鸡群”;都可表示“人的才能;超出一般人”。但“鹤立鸡群”还可比喻一个人的仪表很突出。 歇后语鸡群里的鸭;谷子地里长棵高粱;花园中的牡丹 法文surpasser tous les autrestalent éminent 俄文из ряда вон выходящий 德文ausgezeichnet hervorragend 有一天,孟子的学生公孙丑问孟子:“老师,古代的伯夷;伊尹同孔子差不多吧?” 孟子说:“孔子的学生有若曾这样说过:‘凡是同类的都可以相比较,如麒麟同其他走兽比,凤凰同其他飞鸟比,泰山同其他丘陵比,河海同水洼细流比,而前者都远远超过了后者。圣人和其他人也是同类,但圣人已远远超出;高过其他人了出于其类拔乎其萃。自有人类以来,没有人比孔子更伟大了。” 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Many Rhodesians were far from ordinary: just look at Doris Lessing, the latest Nobel laureate for literature, or Merle Park, a ballet dancer of renown. For example, almost anyone can write. In order for it to be considered a strength it must be something that other people notice because your skill stands out. When you discover what sets you apart and you sell it, you can put more focus on competing on your uniqueness rather than on your price. Instead of finding yourself upon a new continent you may, therefore, land in matrimony and then get back all your lectures — free of charge — by the lecturing sex par excellence, women. As a public speaker, he is among the best: smooth and articulate. With no notes in hand, he delivers a relaxed, fluent, and memorable series of messages. Your ability to stand out in a crowd will bring you the recognition you desire. Is your blog different and standing out or are you using the same tactics as every other blogger? If something was the best of its kind, you might say it was the bee's knees. Therefore, if you want to be really good at something, you have to first set a goal and then put in the hours to get there. We received hundreds of outstanding applications, and it was incredibly difficult to choose from among so many inspiring and deserving schools. So it's an extraordinary show, and I was really, really proud to be a part of it. In such a society, everyone can hope to come top of his particular monkey troop, even as the people he looks down on count themselves top of a subtly different troop. In the early years, when they took up residency in the clubs of Hamburg, Germany, they had to play very long sets, in a wide variety of styles, forcing them to be creative and excel at experimenting. A part of that health includes an outstanding education. Most people assume the corollary must be true: pay handsome fees and you get superior people and an excellent standard of service. China is the most prominent of the new deal-makers, but in some African countries, including Kenya and Sudan, India is not far behind. “The really outstanding innovation is coming from emerging markets, ” says Noel Gordon of Accenture, a consulting firm. “ They are using the unbanked as a big laboratory to pilot new ways of banking.” Look at history and you will see that practically no women have excelled in areas where spatial ability and mathematical reasoning are required, such as chess, composing and rocket science. |
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