词汇 | 出尔反尔 |
释义 | 出尔反尔 辨形“尔”,不能写作“耳”;“而”。 辨析出尔反尔和“反复无常”都形容常常变卦。但出尔反尔偏重在说话上;指说话前后不一致或说话不算数;“反复无常”偏重在表现上;强调行为变化无常。 辨形“尔”,不能写作“耳”;“而”。 辨析出尔反尔和“反复无常”都形容常常变卦。但出尔反尔偏重在说话上;指说话前后不一致或说话不算数;“反复无常”偏重在表现上;强调行为变化无常。 歇后语翻手为云,覆手为雨 法文volte-face 德文einmal so,einmal so verǎnderlich 孟子回答说:“记得有一年闹灾荒,年老体弱的百姓饿死在山沟荒野之中,壮年人外出逃荒的有千人之多,而大王的粮仓还是满满的,国库也很充足,管钱粮的官员并不把这严重的灾情报告给您。他们高高在上,不关心百姓的疾苦,而且残害百姓。” 孟子在回顾了这辛酸的往事后,接着又说:“您记得孔子的弟子曾子说过的话吗?他说,要警惕呀!你怎样对待别人,别人也如何对待你。如今百姓有了一个报复的机会,就要用同样的手段来对待那些长官了。” 孟子最后告诉邹穆公说:“所以,大王不要去责怪他们;惩罚他们。如果实行仁政,您的百姓就会爱护他们的长官,并且愿意为他们献出生命。” 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 “ It was particularly tough on Trevor because Stan had come to California to meet him and told him he had an opportunity to be a starter, ” said Ariza's agent, David Lee. Don't be inconsistent. That completely confuses me and makes me lose faith in you. Don't go back on promises or firm statements. But this year, as an unusually large snowmelt surges into the rivers of Oregon and Washington, the wind lobby is howling about government perfidy. Would the Kremlin really renege on Russia's biggest foreign investments? Sides switch, and coats are turned, with bewildering rapidity. The European sovereign- debt crisis has produced its own sequence of denials and recantations. Be clear: the government disgraced itself by reneging on its pledge to hold a referendum. Yet, even though the government agreed to engage with Anna in April, it backtracked and insulted, ignored and snubbed his team during the drafting of the new legislation. Yet shunning North Korea entirely, on the ground that it keeps on reselling the same horse and never delivers it ready to ride, is not really an option. Wang is used to the vagaries of government decisions. In order to prevent their contradicting themselves, I deliver the silk banner to judge. That would make the block for them to overthrow this case later. Having slammed his predecessor for issuing “ signing statements” dismissing parts of laws he had just signed, he is now doing the same thing. In some circles, salespeople of years past came up with an inventive way to defend themselves against such backtracking: the“ get the order and get out” strategy. This humiliating reversal cost Mr Cowen both public support and political backing. The men tried to get married in Argentina's capital but city officials, who had earlier said the ceremony could proceed, refused to wed them citing conflicting judicial rulings. Third, Mr Odinga has promised, albeit with wobbles, to send leading politicians alleged to have stirred up post- election ethnic violence in2008 to the International Criminal Court at The Hague. This was widely resented as a betrayal of the promises that had been made to working miners in the strike; they had been told that their jobs were safe and their industry had a future. Mr Immelt argues that he had to reverse course swiftly in the autumn because financial markets suddenly took a turn for the worse. I have been told I am capricious. |
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