词汇 | 出奇制胜 |
释义 | 出奇制胜 辨形“制”,不能写作“治”;“致”。 辨形“制”,不能写作“治”;“致”。 歇后语诸葛亮用兵 德文durch einen unvorhersehbaren Trick den Sieg erringen den Gegner überrumpeln 燕军攻了几年,一直都没有攻下莒城,于是只好转攻即墨城。即墨城中的守军知道大将田单是位足智多谋的勇士,也很擅于攻略,于是就推举他为守城的大将军。聪明的田单想出了一个新的计谋,叫“火牛阵”。他先叫城内的商人,拿着金银珠宝偷偷送到燕军将领手中,并且要他们假装投降,并且说:“即墨城的守军兵力不够快要投降了,这些珠宝献给你们,请求大人您入城之后千万别杀我们!”燕军一听,以为即墨城里已经准备投降,一高兴就放松了警戒。 没想到田单从城里收集来一千多头牛,并且将这些牛都披上五彩龙纹衣,双角上绑着尖刀,尾巴上绑着草,在一个月黑风高的夜晚,他一声令下,部署们将火把点上牛尾巴上的草,牛被火烫到之后,就拼命往前跑。燕军从睡梦中惊醒,看到这一大群五彩怪兽,吓得惊惶失措,四处乱逃。被牛撞死的;埤死的;被齐兵砍死的。田单又乘胜追击,最后收复了被燕军占领的七十多个城邑。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Granted, it's not the sexiest of car- tech news you'll get today, but it does prove that, given a problem to solve, good designers can always manage outside-the-pod thinking. Mr Golden’s colourful character parked outside his office is the orange Harley he used to ride around the deck of a carrier he commanded in the Gulf might break through to disaffected voters. McCain acknowledged to the crowd that he is trailing in the polls, but he also urged his supporters to pull off an election surprise on November4. The football team has a new play they are keeping an ace in the hole the big game. |
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