词汇 | 凤毛麟角 |
释义 | 凤毛麟角 辨析凤毛麟角和“百里挑一”都具有出众;难得的意思。但凤毛麟角的应用范围不限于此;还可以形容具体的物品珍贵而稀少。语义也比“百里挑一”重。 辨析凤毛麟角和“百里挑一”都具有出众;难得的意思。但凤毛麟角的应用范围不限于此;还可以形容具体的物品珍贵而稀少。语义也比“百里挑一”重。 法文chose rare et précieuse 俄文уникум 德文sehr seltener und wertvoller Gegenstand 《南史·谢超宗传》载,谢超宗曾任孝武帝第八子新安王刘子鸾的 “常侍”,王府中重要文告函件,都是谢超宗的手笔,颇有盛誉。新安王的母亲殷淑仪逝世时,表彰死者的一篇诔词,就是高超宗写的。孝武帝读后,非常称赞。说道:“超宗殊有凤毛,灵运复出!”感叹说又出了一个谢灵运啊!今以“凤毛麟角”比喻稀少而可贵的人和物。 右卫将军刘道隆在坐,出候超曰:“方侍宴至尊,说君有凤毛。”谢徒跣还内,道隆谓检觅凤毛,待至暗而去。 宋武帝曾经说:“谢超宗很有凤毛。”右卫将军刘道隆当时也在座,出来等到谢超宗,对他说:“刚才宴席上,皇上说你有凤毛。”谢超宗光着脚走进屋里,刘道隆以为是取凤毛去了,直等到天黑了才离开。 谢超宗是刘宋著名的文人,父亲叫谢凤,祖父是赫赫有名的谢灵运。孝武帝非常欣赏谢超宗的文才,赞扬他“有凤毛”,拿他和他的祖父谢灵运相比。旁边有个叫刘道隆的将军,听到这话后不知道皇帝称赞谢超宗“有凤毛”,是表扬他的学识才华,还以为谢超宗真的有“凤毛”这种稀罕宝贝。 这一天,刘道隆专程登门拜访, 口口声声要看谢超宗的“凤毛”。他不知道谢超宗的父亲名“凤”,这样一口一声要看“凤毛”,触犯了谢超宗的家讳,导致谢超宗慌慌张张,来不及穿鞋就躲到室内。不学无术的刘道隆不明所以,还傻傻地等在那里,以为谢超宗进去找“凤毛”了,结果等到天黑了也不见谢超宗出来,只好悻悻地走了。 这个故事被传为千古笑谈。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 But even if tort reform could save the country several billion dollars a year, that is still just a sliver of overall health spending. But he does not count it a serious loss in a series that can only touch the surface of such a vast subject. Of course, there are some but rare artists who have successfully pioneered their individuality of Chinese modern oil painting. There's a treasure trove of great women comics right now, but why so few, compared with the number of funny men on stage and screen? Unfortunately, opportunities to listen to a great speaker are few and far between. The trouble is, retailers bear all the costs of such sales efforts but reap only some of the benefits. Stone tools abound, but human bones from other Asian sites are almost as rare as hens’ teeth. Such men and women are personalities of great beauty and are so rare that history records their being and holds them up as examples for the future. There's so much information and practical knowledge that it's impossible to present but a fraction here. The same was true of music, another area where pre- packaged information is scarce. We don’t know what the percentage of people who survive a bullet in the head is, but we’re pretty sure it’s very slim. Are we about to find that it is not as strongly linked to gender as has been supposed, that there are more autistic women out there than we imagine? In a creative cauldron like Apple, ideas are rarely in short supply. But the skill of choosing the right ones to focus on at the right time is rare. Women are barely represented in the top echelons of China’s government and the biggest state-owned companies. That's laudable, not to mention rare in modern American business. Such bans remain rare but are increasing, with California in the vanguard. And that type of person is so rare as a CEO. Which is part of the mystique and magic of Steve Jobs. And it is still relatively rare for journalists to win access. Examples are thin on the ground, either because they do not exist or because they have yet to be discovered. |
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