释义 |
几乎没有 基本例句 hardly anyscarcelyscarcely anybut littlelittle or nothinglittlealmost nothingfewfew or nofew or none 毕业后我几乎没有看见过他。I sawlittleor nothing〉of him after graduation. 我们学校里〈几乎没有什么娱乐设施。There arefewrecreational facilities in our school. 在我们学校几乎没有人懂得丹麦语。Few people know Danish in our school. 那个镇上几乎没有娱乐设施。There arefewentertainments in that town. 她对于好音乐几乎没有欣赏能力。She showslittleappreciation of good music. 几乎没有什么工作可找。There islittlework on offer. 我们中几乎没有人知道他的地址。Few of us have his address. 她几乎没有选择余地。She can exerciselittlechoice. |