

单词 blizzards
释义 blizzards ˈblɪzədz COCA⁴⁵⁴²⁸BNC⁴⁹⁷²³
n.暴风雪blizzard的名词复数;暴风雪似的一阵;大量或大批原型blizzard的复数 Scattered throughout the novel are some odd events: blizzards, floods, fires, dying bees.
小说中处处充满着古怪的意象:暴风雪、洪水、火灾、垂死的蜜蜂等等。 ecocn

Somehow these feather blizzards, more even than the legions of birds that generate them, testify to the exuberance of life on South Georgia.
这些羽毛象暴风雪一般,较之蜕下它们的企鹅军团更为密集壮观,也更能印证出南乔治亚岛的勃勃生机。 yeeyan

The parade was a phantasmagoria of music, incense, blizzards of doves, camels laden with cinnamon, elephants in golden slippers, bulls with gilded horns.
庆典游行让人如置身梦幻之中:美妙的音乐、香烛冉冉、成群飞起的白鸽、驮着芳香肉桂的骆驼队伍、穿着金色鞋子的象群,还有犄角镀金的成队公牛。 yeeyan

Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards, landslides and droughts killed at least a quarter million people in2010— the deadliest year in more than a generation.
2010年死于地震、热浪、洪灾、火山喷发、超强台风、暴风雪、山体滑坡和干旱的人数超过了25万人,是30多年来死亡人数最多的一年。 iciba

Even in the summertime we might be struck by blizzards.
甚至在夏天,我们这儿也可能受到暴风雪的袭击。 hotdic

I assume the record- breaking snowfall on the US is due to the earth wobble, but where did all the water come from to make the historic blizzards of the past week?
我推断美国的这场破纪录的雪灾是因为地球的晃动,但是过去一周来这些造成暴风雪的水是从哪里来的? blog.sina.com.cn

In my mother's town, winter blizzards were so savage that cows froze to death.
而在母亲居住的城镇中,冬天的暴风雪如此猛烈,以至于牛都会冻死。 hotdic

Industry insiders say increased demand due to recent blizzards was partly to blame for the shortages. The country's poor natural gas reserves also are part of the cause.
业内人士称,该现象部分是由于近日暴雪导致各地天然气需求剧增,另一部分原因是国家缺乏相应的天然气储备机制。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Manufacturers are all too familiar with interruptions to production from floods, blizzards, land slides, and forest fires.
汽车厂商都深知洪水、暴雪、泥石流、森林大火等灾害会给汽车生产带来哪些影响。 putclub

Neither knew something else was on its way: a brutal wave of blizzards.
两人都不知道还有别的考验在等着他们:一场严酷的暴风雪正悄然来临。 yeeyan

Penguins travel literally the ends of the Earth to protect their infants, facing Antarctic blizzards while they incubate their eggs.
我们可以毫不夸张地说企鹅走到了地球极点来保护它们的幼儿,在孵化它们的卵的同时还顶着南极的暴风雪。 yeeyan

They may actually have trouble operating in real- world environments or generate blizzards of false alarms, he says.
这些设备在现实世界环境中的应用也许会遇到困难或者产生奇怪的虚假警报。 www.cnw.com.cn

Three major blizzards struck North America over this past winter, dumping as much as53 inches of the white stuff.
刚过去的这个冬天美国北部遭受了3次重大暴风雪的袭击,降雪量达53英寸之厚。 yeeyan

Top scenic spots in southern China have lowered prices to attract tourists back to areas pummeled by blizzards in January and February.
冰雪过后,南方许多著名旅游景区推出了降价促销活动来吸引游客。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

We were snowed in for three days last winter by the blizzards.
去年冬天,一场暴风雪把我们困在家里三天没出门。 websaru

When helicopters can't fly through blizzards, and Humvees get stuck in fifteen-foot snowdrifts, there will be an equaliser effect.
当直升机无法穿越暴风雪,悍马军车在15英尺厚的雪堆中无法动弹时,将会出现一种均衡效应。 iciba

Blizzards have delayed flights and closed highways in most parts of Northeast China, leaving thousands of travelers stranded, Xinhua reported Saturday.
据新华社13日报道,肆虐的暴风雪在东北大部分地区造成大量航班延误和公路关闭,数千旅客滞留。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Blizzards and snow drifts stranded some 1200 passengers on five trains in Russia for two days.
暴风雪和大量积雪使得俄罗斯五辆火车里面的1200名游客被困了2天。 putclub

Blizzards are most common in the upper Midwest and Great Plains, but they can occur anywhere strong snowstorms strike.
暴风雪在美国的中西部和大平原上最为常见,但在任何地方都可能受到强烈的暴风雪袭击。 yeeyan

Blizzards battered Britain for the third day.
大风雪袭击英国已进入第三天。 hotdic




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