释义 |
冻死 dòng sǐ 基本例句 freeze to deathwinterkillwinter-killkill downfrozen to deathfroze to deathdeath from coldfrost killingcongealing diecold deathwinterkillingwinter-killingbe frozen to death繁体凍死植物的幼苗常因严寒而冻死。Young plants are often killed by frost. 晚霜能冻死园中的植物。Late frosts are ruination for the garden. 寒霜冻死了我们的几株幼苗。Frost has killed several of our young plants. 有两个人在山上冻死了。Two men froze to death/were frozen to death on the mountain. 幼苗被冻死了。The seedling was frozen to death. |