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词汇 冷酷无情
释义 冷酷无情 lěng kù wú qíng 常用成语
辨形“酷”,不能写作“皓”。歇后语石头做心俄文с кáменным сердцем斤澜反映现实生活,有时像不是用笔,而是用解剖刀。在给人以深刻感的同时,也带来一些冷酷无情的压抑感。 ★孙犁《读作品记三》联合式:作谓语;定语;指人的性格;含贬义。老舍《一封家信》:“看明白了大部分的字,都是责难他的!她的形影与一切都消逝了,他眼前只是那张死板板的字,与一些冷酷无情的字!”解释: 冷酷:冷淡苛刻。冷淡严酷,毫无感情。梁遇春《泪与笑》:“当一位极亲密的朋友忽然说出一句冷酷无情冰一般的冷话来,而且他自己还不知道他说的会使人心寒,这时候我们只好哈哈哈莫名其妙地笑了,因为若使不笑,叫我们怎么样好呢?”


近义词 无情无义冷若冰霜
反义词 儿女情长含情脉脉
他是个极残酷的人,甚至都可以冷酷无情地杀死亲娘。He was so cruel he would have killed his own mother in cold blood.阿森纳在利用这些广泛的市场时有望成为更加冷酷无情,也许夏天开始一次亚洲赚钱比赛,这种事情他们通常避免的。
Arsenal are expected to become more ruthless in exploiting these far- flung markets, perhaps starting with a money-spinning tour of Asia in the summer, the kind of thing they have usually eschewed. ecocn

Yet for all the celebrations of Stalin’s victory over Hitler, the aftermath was almost as grim. yeeyan

There is little chance of a fair trial for the six, and the ruthless Sudanese authorities may well torture them. ecocn

But even that pronouncement, grim as it seemed to the organizers of the Copenhagen talks, was mild compared with the broader Russian campaign against the idea that global warming is taking place. yeeyan

看起来, AC米兰冷酷无情的三粒进球在上半场结束前就终结了比赛,而他们的对手利物浦则垂头丧气,无计可施。
A ruthless trio of goals by AC Milan had looked to have killed the game before half-time, and Liverpool, Milan's opponents, were out of sorts. yeeyan

Britain's Daniel Day- Lewis was favored to win for his role as a ruthless prospector in the tale of the California oil boom. kekenet

The barriers to entry are low— almost anyone can set up a church— but the pressure to perform is relentless: if you can't preach a mesmerising service, people will go elsewhere. ecocn

If this Hardy seems cold, the great wave of love poetry to Emma that burst from him after her death was anything but. ecocn

She could be cruel to“the little people” too, in private, because, I think, she despised them; she was smelted with class prejudice. yeeyan

Meanwhile there is only the grim imperative to save money. ecocn

At a time when climate change is already making it harder for people in Bangladesh to find enough drinking water, it seems callous to fret about what might happen to premium wines. yeeyan

For once Rooney did not have to monopolise the stage as England played efficiently and ruthlessly. yeeyan

It is these extreme cases, the callous injury of a helpless toddler and the heroic revolt of ordinary people in the face of terrorism, that capture our attention. yeeyan

This was typical of their callous disregard even for those whose rights they claimed to champion. ecocn

That may, in part, be a reflection of American bosses’ ruthless cuts in full-time jobs, forcing those laid off to scramble for whatever work they can find. ecocn

We’re probably entering a period, in other words, in which smart young liberals meet a stone- cold scarcity that they do not seem to recognize or have a plan for. yeeyan




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