

单词 blitz
释义 blitz 英blɪts美blɪtsAHDblĭts ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA¹⁸⁴⁸⁹BNC¹⁶³⁹⁰iWeb¹²⁶⁴³Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

American football defensive players try to break through the offensive linea swift and violent military offensive with intensive aerial bombardment
attack suddenly and without warning;

Hitler blitzed Poland

blitz attack闪击战,毁灭性的攻击…aerial blitz空中闪电战Blitz kids新浪漫运动的年青人…
GRE难词记忆blitz → blitzkrieg 军 闪 电 战的 缩 略 →blitz=lightening 闪 电 的+krieg=war→lightening war→闪电战 blitzkrieg军闪电战的缩略→blitz=lightening闪电的+krieg=war→lightening war⇒闪电战近义词 shell壳bomb炸弹blast爆炸tidy整齐的clean干净的offense过错bombard炮轰cleanup清除invasion侵略onslaught猛攻crackdown镇压clear-out清理bombardment炮击blitzkrieg闪电战clean up收拾干净come down on申斥offensive令人不快的concentrate on集中于saturation bombing密集轰炸crack down对 … 采取严厉措施…concerted effort强烈真挚的努力…

用作名词Many people died in the Londonblitz.许多人在伦敦大空袭中丧生。
During theblitzwe spent the night in underground shelters.空袭期间, 我们在防空洞过夜。
I must have ablitzto get my room tidy为把房间搞整洁我必须做好多活。
We had to had the merchandise ready for the christmas saleblitz.我们得准备好那商品以备圣诞节销售旺季。用作动词Many towns were badlyblitzedduring the war.战争中许多城镇毁于空袭。noun.heavy attack
同义词 assault,bombardment,bombing,offensive,onslaught,raid,shellingblitzkrieg,strikelightning attack
反义词 letup
aggressionnoun hostile or forceful behavior, attitude
assaultverb attack
abuse,advance,assail,bash,beset,blast,blitz,bushwhack,charge,come down on,go for,haul off on,invade,jump,jump down one's throat,jump on one's case,lay into,let have it,light into,rape,ruin,set upon,shoot down,slam,slap around,storm,strike,trash,violate,work over,zap
attacknoun physical assault
advance,aggression,assailing,assailment,barrage,blitz,blitzkrieg,charge,defilement,dirty deed,drive,encounter,encroachment,foray,incursion,initiative,inroad,intervention,intrusion,invasion,irruption,mugging,offense,offensive,onrush,onset,onslaught,outbreak,push,raid,rape,rush,skirmish,storming,strike,thrust,violation,volley
attackverb assault verbally
abuse,berate,blame,blitz,censure,criticize,impugn,jump down one's throat,jump on one's case,lay into,malign,refute,reprove,revile,shoot down,stretch,vilify
attacksnoun physical assault
attacksverb assault verbally
advances,aggresses,ambushes,assails,assaults,bashes,bats,beans,beats,besets,besieges,biffs,blasts,blisters,boffs,bombards,boots,bops,brains,busts,charges,chops down,clips,clocks,clubs,combats,cooks,harms,hits,hurts,infiltrates,invades,jumps,kicks,knocks block off,knocks cold,knocks for a loop,larrups,lies siege to,light into,molests,mugs,overwhelms,pounce upon,punches,raids,rushes,sets upon,slogs,soaks,stabs,storms,strikes,takes the offensive,turns on,wallops,whops As the first film was released, in 2001, a merchandising blitz began.
2001年第一部电影上映,一场销售闪电战也随即上演。 ecocn

The exercise has less to do with festive spirit than it is a party- political postal blitz.
这样做更像是出于政治目的的邮政闪电战,而不是为了庆祝节日。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

But, Blitz does have two basic virtues.
但是, Blitz确实有两个基本优点。 ibm

But because it's a bit unclear, Blitz makes you think of an array as a matrix.
但是这样有点不清楚,所以 Blitz使您把数组看作矩阵。 ibm

Hyundai followed up its Super Bowl gambit with an ad blitz in ABC's Academy Awards broadcast, its first national play with the Oscars.
现代公司的超级碗开局后,跟进行动是在 ABC台播放的奥斯卡颁奖典礼广告闪电战,这也是现代公司首次携手奥斯卡的全美表演。 yeeyan

In fact, the blitz has already begun.
实际上,Windows 7的闪电战已经开始。 yeeyan

It had the market almost to itself until2006, when a new chain, Blitz Megaplex, began opening screens in shopping malls.
该公司直到2006年都还独家享有市场,当年一家新的院线连锁——闪击影院公司开始在商场放映电影。 ecocn

It is the equivalent of a coast-to- coast marketing blitz.
这是一次全美范围对等的闪击式营销。 ecocn.org

It will be backed by a marketing blitz.
它将会受到一个营销造势支持。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

So far the interviews with Sarah Palin in her TV media blitz have failed to answer the only question I’m interested in: Now that it’s all over, Sarah, who does look after the kids?
对于萨拉·佩林,我只关心一个问题,可到目前为止,看遍她的访问我也没有找到答案:既然大选已经尘埃落定,萨拉,告诉我们到底是谁在照顾孩子们? yeeyan

Some pundits want the government to launch a publicity blitz to urge ordinary Japanese to spend more.
有的学者希望政府能来一场公开宣传的“闪电战”,以此来督促普通的日本民众增加开销。 ecocn

Steve Blitz of ITG, a broker, notes that whereas business investment remains depressed as a share of GDP, net cashflow is near a record high.
来自ITG一家证券公司的 Steve Blitz特别指出,虽然商业投资在 GDP中所占的比例数据令人沮丧,可是净现金流资金量快要接近历史最高水平了。 ecocn

The people who lived in London during the blitz certainly experienced hard times.
在猛烈空袭期间,居住在伦敦的人们必定经历了困难时期。 iciba

The publicity blitz is aimed at persuading Americans that government help will get them out of their economic mess.
这场公共闪电战的目标是说服美国人相信政府将帮助他们走出经济大混乱。 yeeyan

There is, however, quite a bit of illustrative code from which the nuances of Blitz syntax can be gleaned.
然而,有不少说明性的代码,从中可以了解 Blitz语法的细微差别。 ibm

Blitz also possesses the standard calculator type functions, so arrays can be displayed on the standard output, and can be read from and sent to files.
Blitz还处理标准计算器类型函数,所以数组可在标准输出上显示,而且可从文件中读入或发送到文件。 ibm




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