词汇 | 冷嘲热讽 |
释义 | 冷嘲热讽 辨形“嘲”,不能写作“朝”。 辨析冷嘲热讽和“冷言冷语”;都可以表示含有讽刺意味的话;但冷嘲热讽含有辛辣的嘲笑的意思;讽刺的刻薄度更强;是中性成语;“冷言冷语”是贬义成语。 辨形“嘲”,不能写作“朝”。 辨析冷嘲热讽和“冷言冷语”;都可以表示含有讽刺意味的话;但冷嘲热讽含有辛辣的嘲笑的意思;讽刺的刻薄度更强;是中性成语;“冷言冷语”是贬义成语。 歇后语寒流来了吹暖气 法文ironie cinglante et satire mordantesarcastique 俄文издевáтьсянасмехáться 德文bittere Ironie und ǎtzender Spott 反义词 For2011, sneers about a “ camper-van cup” three cruise ships will provide much- needed extra accommodation have abounded. The Bain report’s findings on investment immigration were greeted with a mixture of envy, exasperation and cynicism online. GEORGE BUSH flew in to a fanfare of bugles and cynicism at the start of his tour of the Middle East this week. The Global Compact attracted cynicism from the start. But they have now come far enough to be able to thumb their noses at the cynics. But even in America, cynicism is widespread: sauce for the Libyan goose is too patently not sauce for the Bahraini, or any other gander. He has not helped himself by publicly ridiculing professionals, such as university lecturers, whom he is trying to encourage to accept reform. Cynicism about the regime's intentions is so entrenched that few observers see this as more than an optical illusion. For men, hate is most often used with cynicism, scum, and racism. Despite some recent strains and the prevailing mainly British cynicism about the specialness of the “ special relationship”, it remains in pretty good shape. “ Covering up the details of these payments breeds further cynicism and distrust in our already shaken financial system, ” Cuomo wrote. So why the cynicism? But if reconstruction is seen to be inefficient or delayed by bureaucratic bottlenecks, cynicism will set in and it may be decades before such generosity will be seen again. If the miserable waste ground lying near it could have laughed, it would have laughed it to scorn, like many of the miserable neighbours. As a result, Doctor Octopus could snarl and sneer realistically during the film's acrobatic rooftop fights. Some people retreat into positions of hard irony and cynicism. Such cynicism dominates Wall Street's position as well. A failure to do this, they argue, “risks bringing a useful analytical tool into disrepute and may even induce unwarranted cynicism about the economic case for open trade.” DreamBusters can be critics. They can be cynics. Online users interviewed said the emotions summoned by the video run the gamut: from laughter to cynicism to surprise. |
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