

单词 决一死战
释义 决一死战 jué yī sǐ zhàn 常用成语
do or die繁体决一死戰近义决一雌雄反义不分胜负变体決一死戰正音“一”,不能读作“yì”。正音“一”,不能读作“yì”。周天爵素称勇敢,所保臧纡青练勇可当一面,独不能与贼决一死战耶? ★《清史稿·文宗本纪》动宾式:作谓语;形容不怕牺牲;中性词。明·罗贯中《三国演义》第三十三回:“来日尽驱百姓当先,以军继其后,与曹操决一死战。”解释: 死战:拼死之战。不惜牺牲,同敌方进行一次殊死的战斗。《南史·陈宗室诸王传·宜黄侯慧纪》:“别帅廖世宠领大舫诈降,欲烧隋舰,更决一死战。”
姚雪垠《李自成》一卷一〇章:“我李自成听到这消息不由得怒发冲冠,恨不能率领手下将士与清兵决一死战,为国家吐一口气。”近义词 决战孤注一掷决一雌雄背注一掷破釜沉舟浴血奋战马革裹尸一决雌雄背水一战
反义词 不分胜负
The red shirts should be looking for common ground, not the final, bloody showdown a few seem to crave. ecocn

不过,这些宣言却帮忙把一场竞选活动转变成不同世界观的决一死战。 正常竞选威胁把投票人送去与致命的折中主义同住。
Still, the manifestos have helped to transform a campaign which had threatened to send voters to sleep with its deathly difference-splitting into a showdown between distinct world viewssee Bagehot. ecocn

The Spaniard made the most of his opportunity when torrential rain and car failures combined to leave him in a straight fight with Ferrari's Felipe Massa. kuenglish

公元十五世纪中期的某一天,科拉王国 Colla的军队聚集于提提卡卡湖北部寒冷的秘鲁高原上,他们全副武装,准备与印加入侵者决一死战。
Massed on a high, cold Peruvian plain north of the great lake in the mid-1400s, the army of the Colla bristled with battle gear, daring the Inca invaders to make war. yeeyan

Assuming the Lakers make the Western finals, they'll play the survivor among San Antonio, Denver, New Orleans and Dallas. www.kobechina.com.cn

来自强大 Farjani部落的 Omar Hariri,已经担任叛军军事委员会首脑,希望与 Qaddafi上校自己的部落在 Sirte周围决一死战。
Omar Hariri, from the powerful Farjani tribe, has been made head of the rebels’ military council, in the hope of stirring strife with Colonel Qaddafi’s own clan around Sirte. ecocn

The Blues will lock horns with United at the new Wembley hoping to stop Sir Alex Ferguson's men from completing the Double. bab

Two gentlemen swore to fight to the death. www.qikan.com.cn

Each assignment was a new test designed to ensure that the boy would have the skill, power, and will to eventually battle the Emperor. starwarsfans.cn

He has cash and guns to sustain him, as well as cunning, ruthlessness and do-or-die determination. yeeyan

Their mutual enmity dates back to a showdown in the holy city of Najaf in the summer of2004. yeeyan

Tanks ran out of gas, so we had to fight it out. engxue

Rather than wait for the ghouls to come to them, they would pursue offensive policy options that take the fight to the undead. iciba

This battle is our last chance; we must fight to a finish.《21世纪大英汉词典》

But they, when they understood that Jonathan and all that were with him were taken and slain, encouraged one another, and went out ready for battle. ccreadbible

First Jinxi must do battle with the clan's reigning female fighter Hong Kong action-film veteran Kara Hui, and then defend his wife and sons against the Master— his own father. yeeyan

They had no means of retreat but had to forge ahead. myechinese




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