

单词 Blind person
释义 Blind person blaindˈpɜːsn 短语⁴⁵¹¹⁸

a person with a severe visual impairment A trained dog can act as a guide to ablind person.一条经过训练的狗能够充任盲人的向导。
A trained dog could guide for theblind person.一条经过训练的狗可以给盲人当向导。
Erik Weihenmayer is the firstblind personto climb Mount Everest.埃里克?威翰梅尔是第一位登上珠穆朗玛峰的盲人。
To steal money from ablind personis a shameful act.偷盲人的钱是可耻的行为。
A newly-devised microcomputer can act as a guide to ablind person.一种新设计的微型计算机能够充任盲人的向导。
He was not defeated by life,even though he is ablind person.虽然他是一个瞎子,但他没有被生活打败。 A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person.
导盲犬是一种特别训练用来帮助盲人道路的。 blog.sina.com.cn

A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.

A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.

A new kind of computer can act as a guide to a blind person.

A32-year old American man will try to become the first blind person to climb Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, this spring, organizers said Tuesday.
一位32岁的美国人想在今年春天成为攀登世界第一高峰珠穆朗玛峰的世界第一盲人。组织者们周二说。 blog.sina.com.cn

After one lady changes the little board with some texts to the blind person, the blind person could collect more money than he ever thought on that very day.
一位小姐修改了那张破旧的纸板后,那位乞丐经历了一个很不同的一天,他收到的他从来没想到过数量的钱。 blog.sina.com.cn

For example, a screen reader cannot help a blind person read informational graphic images on a Web page unless the developer has provided alternative text for those images.
例如,屏幕阅读器不能帮助盲人阅读 Web页面上的信息图像,除非开发人员为那些图像提供了选择性的文本。 ibm

Heard such a story: in a large garden has a small house, the house is home to a blind person.
听到过这样一个故事:在一个大花园里有一间小屋子,屋子里住着一个盲人。 enwaimao.cn

Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a University degree.
海伦·凯勒是第一个获得大学学位的聋盲人。 yanxing

Her paintings are so colorful and bright; it’s hard to believe that they were drawn by a blind person who can’t even see colors or distance.
她的油画充满了色彩和光明,令人难以相信是出自一位连颜色和距离都看不见的盲人之手。 yeeyan

How would a blind person access the information visually formatted in a table, for example, or an icon, a tree, or a scrolling list?
例如,盲人如何才能访问表中可视化格式的信息,或图标、树或者滚动列表呢? ibm

If we will have driverless cars in the future, why are we spending time and money developing a car that a blind person can drive?
如果将来我们有了自动驾驶的汽车,那么为什么还要花大量的时间和钱去研发盲人开的车呢? yeeyan

It can process images taken by a camera into sensations that could be used by a blind person wearing it.
该装置能够把摄像机拍摄的图像处理成能被佩戴这种装置的盲人利用的其它知觉。 tingclass

Mike actually holds the world record for downhill speed skiing for blind person, which is60 miles an hour.
实际上,迈克是盲人高山滑雪的记录保持者,速度达到了每小时60英里。 youdao

Researchers using functional brain imagery have confirmed that in such situations the blind person activates not only the parts of the cortex devoted to touch, but parts of the visual cortex as well.
研究者通过大脑功能运作影像图,证实了在这样情形下盲人不仅仅动用了感官皮层,还牵动了视觉皮层。 yeeyan

She says: “ Blindness is not the end of the world. You can have a wonderful life as a blind person”.
她说:“失明不是世界末日,作为盲人你同样能拥有精彩的生活。” cri

They stop at crossings, and show the blind person when it is safe to cross the road.

When I go around as a blind person, with my stick, ensure of myself among people, I feel that I am an object of respect and admiration.

When people think about a blind person or blindness, now they will think about a person standing on top of the world.
当人们想到盲人或失明时,就会想到我-一个站上世界顶峰的人。 iask.sina.com.cn

You can give a donation gift — an hour of a cancer researcher's time or making a blind person see— to honor those you love.
在这里,为了奉献爱心,癌症研究员可以贡献一小时的研究时间,您也可以资助白内障手术。 ibm

You should know that people have to live for43 years pretty much one way as a blind person.




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