

单词 blindly
释义 blindly 英'blaɪndlɪ美'blaɪndli ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁸⁷⁵⁶BNC¹⁴⁵⁴⁶iWeb¹³⁷⁶⁰Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

without seeing or looking;

he felt around his desk blindly

without preparation or reflection; without a rational basis;

they bought the car blindly

he picked a wife blindly

blind-ly像⇒adv.摸索地³³;盲目地⁵¹;蛮干地¹⁶近义词 dimly微暗地impetuously冲动地irrationally不合理thoughtlessly轻率地carelessly粗心大意地recklessly不顾后果地indiscriminately无差别without thinking不加思索instinctively出于本能地…

用作副词He stumbledblindlyon through the dark building.他摸索着跌跌撞撞地穿过漆黑的建筑物。
She pushedblindlypast him and made for the door.她摸索着从他身边挤过去走向门口。
No person of independent mind will copyblindlyforeign things.大凡有独立见解的人都不会盲目模仿外国的东西。
He wanted to decide for himself instead ofblindlyfollowing his parents' advice.他想自己拿主意,而不是盲目听从他父母的意见。
We should work hard and intelligently, notblindly.要苦干加巧干,不要蛮干。adv.without direction, purpose
同义词 aimlessly,frantically,indiscriminately,instinctively,madly,wildlyat random,confusedly,in all directions,pell-mell,purposelessly
反义词 carefully,cautiously,considerately,purposely,reasonably,sensiblyadv.carelessly
同义词 foolishly,impulsively,passionately,recklesslyheedlessly,inconsiderately,obtusely,purblindly,regardlessly,senselessly,thoughtlessly,tumultuously,unreasonably,unreasoningly,willfully,without rhyme or reason
反义词 carefully,cautiously,considerately,purposely,reasonably,sensibly Instead of blindly creating a blog and trying to gain readers and comments, we can put service first.
和盲目地开通一个博客,试图赚取读者和评论相比,我们可以先放上服务。 yeeyan

The goal is not to blindly pick the “ winner” alternative but instead validate that sensitive scenarios are effectively addressed.
目标不在于盲目选择“赢家”方案,而是验证相关的场景得到了有效地解决。 infoq

Your sites and apps should be better because you thought about this article, not just because you blindly put it into practice.
当您认真思考过本文后,您的网站和应用程序应当有所改进,当然,如果只是盲目照搬,那当然不行。 ibm

A word of caution about bottom- up analysis: You have to be careful not to blindly expose existing IT capabilities.
对于自底向上的分析,有一句忠告:您必须谨慎从事,不要盲目地公开现有的 IT功能。 ibm

But the various pros and cons should not blindly overwhelm one another.
但是,众多的利弊得失不应盲目的一个压倒另一个。 yeeyan

But analysts also warn, investors should not be blindly optimistic, as there's always the possibility of declining gold prices.
但是分析家也警告,投资者不应该盲目乐观,因为金价存在下跌的可能。 hxen

But he regards government as a means, an instrumentality, neither a grantor of favors and gifts, nor a master or god to be blindly worshipped and served.
但他只会将政府做为一种手段,一种工具,而不是任何的施舍,更不是需要盲目崇拜或为之服务的主人或神祗。 yeeyan

If her bosses have fallen for her, as you suggest, they will go on being blindly smitten for a while.
如果她的老板们被她的魅力折服正如你说的那样,他们将会在一定时期内盲目地信任她。 iciba

In such a case, it would be useful if the progress bar in the browser could be updated according to the server-side status, rather than running blindly.
在这种情况下,如果浏览器中的工具条能够根据面向服务器的状态进行更新,而不是盲目地运行,这将十分有用。 ibm

Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.

Never blindly believe anything you read or hear about.
不要盲目的相信所有你读到的和听到的。 yeeyan

Note however I am not suggesting that you blindly build new code for which mature standards already exist.
不过要注意,我并不是建议你盲目地为那些已经有成熟标准的内容创建新代码。 infoq

Pause for a moment before blindly clicking yes to invites and signing up.
在盲目的点击接受邀请和注册之前先暂停下来想一想。 yeeyan

Remember, at this point in the standard approach to regression tests, the team would have been blindly running the whole regression suite.
记住,在这一点上,用回归测试的标准方法,团队会盲目地运行整个回归套件。 ibm

So the question arises: how can we stop reacting blindly when confronted with things that we don't like?
那么,我们不禁会问,当面对不如意的情境时,要如何才可以不盲目地产生反应? yeeyan

The second thing I learned was to do my own due diligence and not blindly trust so-called experts.
我学到的第二堂课是,要将勤奋作为自己的本分,尽职调查,不盲目的相信所谓的专家。 putclub

There is danger in blindly following the party line, a danger that the honeybees seem to avoid.
盲目的追随党派路线是很危险的,而蜜蜂似乎就避开了这一风险。 ecocn




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