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词汇 blew out
释义 blew out短语¹²⁴⁷⁷

名词 blowout:
an easy victorya sudden malfunction of a part or apparatusa gay festivityAn oil wellblew outin the oil field.油田里有一口油井发生井喷。
An oil wellblew outin the North Sea.北海的一口油井发生了井喷。
Absence diminish little passion and increase great one, just as the wind blow out a candle and fan a fire.离别能使浅薄的感情削弱,但却会使深挚的感情更加深厚。正如风之能吹灭烛火而却会把火煽得更旺。
The candleblew out.蜡烛被吹灭了。as in.put out
同义词 douse,snuff outblow out,out,quench,smother,stamp out
反义词 assuage,help,please,startas in.demoralize
同义词 cripple,dampen,daunt,debilitate,deject,disconcert,discourage,dishearten,disorganize,dispirit,disturb,embarrass,sap,undermine,unsettle,upset,weakenabash,chill,damp,disarrange,discountenance,disorder,disparage,enfeeble,jumble,muddle,nonplus,rattle,shake,snarl,unman,unzipblow out,blow up,get to,psych out,send up,take apart,take steam out,unglue
反义词 aid,assist,calm,comfort,compose,encourage,hearten,help,inspirit,order,organize,please,soothe,strengthen,approve,arrange,clear up,educate,enlighten,explain,placate,sanctionboost,make good,moralize,purify,upliftas in.douse
同义词 deluge,drown,put out,quench,saturate,smother,snuff out,soak,splash,submerge,wetduck,dunk,immerse,plunge,slop,slosh,snuff,sop,souse,spatter,splatter,steep,submerseblow out,squench
反义词 dehydrate,dry,startas in.expel
同义词 dislodge,drive out,evacuate,removebelch,disgorge,ejaculate,eruct,erupt,exhaust,exudate,exude,irrupt,pass,spew,vomitblow out,cast out,get rid of,throw out
反义词 absorb,admit,allow,permit,take in,welcomeas in.extinguish
同义词 douse,quench,smother,snuff out,stamp out,suffocatechoke,drown,out,stifle,trampleblot out,blow out
反义词 startbear,create,light It caused a small blast that blew out some windows. No injuries reported in the early morning incident.
爆炸震碎了一些窗户玻璃,造成了不大的损失,目前并没有人员伤亡的报道。 putclub

The force of the explosion was such that it blew out all the windows.
爆炸的力量很大,所有的窗户都被炸掉了。 iciba

Before borrowing blew out so spectacularly, that would have seemed far too much.
如此巨大的借款在前,财政大臣的希望看起来有些渺茫。 ecocn

She blew out her cheeks in exasperation.
她生气地鼓起腮帮子。 iciba

Southwest Airlines is inspecting79 Boeing737 aircraft after a hole blew out in one of their planes on Friday.
周五,在他们的一架飞机空中出现裂口后,,西南航空检查了它拥有的79架波音737飞机。 yeeyan

The former pro beach- volleyball player says he recently underwent spinal surgery and then blew out a knee while recuperating.
这位前沙滩排球运动员近来经受了脊骨手术,在恢复过程中一个膝盖又受伤。 yeeyan

The gunmen's shots blew out the windows of the house next- door. Fortunately, no one was home.
枪手的子弹把隔壁屋的窗子都打穿了,幸好没有人在家。 i21st

The Oslo blast damaged buildings and blew out windows over more than a half- mile radius, filling the area with smoke and littering it with shards of metal.
此次爆炸摧毁了超过半英尺内的建筑和门窗,整个区域充斥着烟雾和炸碎的金属碎片。 yeeyan

The blast from the bomb blew out all the windows in the area.
炸弹爆炸的冲击波震破了这个地区的所有窗户。 putclub

The dead marshal jerked spasmodically as the back of his head blew out, but the safety belt kept him erect in the chair.
被打死的警察后脑勺开了花,他的身体还在断断续续地抽搐,却无法挣脱安全带的束缚挺直。 yeeyan




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