

单词 blew down
释义 blew down短语⁵⁷⁸⁸⁰
The TV aerial blew down last night.
电视天线昨夜被风吹倒了。 hotdic

The wind blew down the chimney.
风把烟囱吹倒了。 iciba

But, if the wind blew down a tree, a poor person could take the wood for fuel.
但是,如果是大风吹倒了一棵树,穷人就可用那棵树作柴火了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Earlier, heavy rains from Earl caused flooding in low-lying areas of Antigua, and winds ripped out trees and blew down power lines on the nearby island of St. Martin.
早期,“伯爵”带来的大雨涌进了安提瓜岛的低地形成洪水,大风卷走了树木,吹倒了圣马丁岛附近的电力线。 hjenglish

It's the story of the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf that blew down a house made of straw and one made of sticks.
那就是三只小猪和大坏狼吹倒稻草屋和棍子屋,屹立不倒的是砖块屋的故事。 hjenglish

It's the story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf that blew down a house made of straw and one made of sticks.
这就是三只小猪和一只很坏的狼之间的故事。狼摧毁了用稻草和树枝建造的房子。 kekenet

So the wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of sticks.
于是,大灰狼鼓起肚子,一口气又吹倒了木头屋子。 douban

The storm blew down many trees yesterday.
昨天暴风雨吹倒许多树。 websaru

The storm last night blew down the tree.
昨夜的大风暴吹倒了那棵树。 yywords

Then the wolf blew down the straw house. The first pig ran to the wooden house.
然后大灰狼就把草屋吹倒了,第一只小猪逃到了木头屋子里。 ebigear

Witnesses said that French peacekeepers blew down Mr Krajisnik's door before dawn on Monday and led him away barefoot in pyjamas.
目击者说法国维和士兵周一破门而入,将仍穿着睡衣的克拉伊什尼科赤足抓走。 hongen




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