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兵临城下 bīng lín chéng xià 常用成语 基本辨析辨析其它语言例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句例句 the attacking army has reached the city gatesthe city is under siege繁体兵臨城下近义十万火急;燃眉之急反义安如泰山;安然无恙;高枕无忧正音“城”,不能读作“céng”。 辨形“城”,不能写作“成”。正音“城”,不能读作“céng”。 辨形“城”,不能写作“成”。俄文гóрод в осáде若侯兵临城下,将至壕边,然后拒敌,事已迟矣。明 罗贯中《三国演义》第三十一回主谓式:作谓语;宾语;分句;形容形势十分危险紧要;中性词。《战国策·齐策二》:“齐必举兵伐梁,梁;齐之兵连于城下不能去,王以其间伐韩。”解释: 兵:军队。临:来到。敌军已经逼近城下。形容形势十分危急。元·无名氏《谇范叔》一折:“你也曾读古圣文章,须知蔽贤者谓之不祥,莫等待兵临城下,方才懊悔道自取其殃。” 明·罗贯中《三国演义》三一回:“若候兵临城下,将至壕边,然后拒敌,事已迟矣。” 姚雪垠《李自成》一卷二章:“敌人兵临城下,诸公尚如此游移,难道就眼看着虏骑纵横,如入无人之境不成?” 〖校记〗“𧫒”,据《全元戏曲》《《全元戏曲》01》页642当作“谇”。近义词 十万火急燃眉之急岌岌可危危如累卵 反义词 安如泰山安然无恙高枕无忧祸起萧墙 兵临城下,岂能束手待毙?The city was under siege. How could they helplessly wait for death?毕竟,谁又想让自己的最大竞争对手兵临城下呢? After all, who wants your biggest rival pitching up on your doorstep? yeeyan 除了兵临城下的婚姻危机和危机重重的家庭个体,紧随其后的可能是像未成年结婚、嫖娼等这样的问题。 Along with the impending marriage crisis and already endangered family unit, subsequent problems will likely include increased underage marriage and forced prostitution. yeeyan 在大约两个半世纪里,奥斯曼土耳其屡屡考研着奥地利的防御工事,而维也纳也不止一次面对兵临城下的境地。 For nearly250 years, the Ottoman Turks have hurled themselves against the bastion of Austria, reaching the gates of Vienna on more than one occasion. clanlong 所以,当远征军的特种部队兵临城下,对他而言,抵抗与否,无关紧要,因为他们的子弹只会给他带来荣耀。 Whether or not he resisted when the Crusaders' special forces arrived, their bullets could only exalt him. ecocn 万磁王现在已经兵临城下,你得进行战斗而且可能回不了家了. Magneto's got an army out there. You gotta war, you might not come home. kekenet |