词汇 | 兵不血刃 |
释义 | 兵不血刃 辨形“刃”,不能写作“刀”。 辨形“刃”,不能写作“刀”。 德文den Sieg davontragen,ohne das Kampfgerǎt mit Blut zu beflecken 陶侃知道这件事后,一方面上书朝廷请求讨伐郭默,一方面写信给王导,要求他采取果断措施。信中有两句话写得非常有力:“郭默杀害州官,朝廷就任命他当州官。难道他杀害宰相,也就让他当宰相不成!” 王导读了这封信,受到很大的触动,便派了陶侃率军去讨伐郭默。郭默深知陶侃领兵作战十分厉害,听说他亲自来讨伐,非常焦急,打算率军离开江州南下。但陶侃出兵神速,郭默还未离城,陶侃的大军就已经将江州团团围住。 郭默想固守城池,但又知道自己不是陶侃对手,怕城破后难逃性命;想开城门投降,又怕朝廷要杀他的头,真是左右为难。他手下的一名叛将见大势已去,将他逮捕后开城门投降。陶侃终于不战而取得胜利,平定了这次叛乱。 反义词 “ I’ve always heard that Changchun was captured without bloodshed, ” Li Jiaqi, a17-year-old high school student, said as she sat on the steps in front of the city’s Liberation Memorial. Arsenal were the night's biggest winners, scoring six without reply at home to Braga. For decades, government officials refused to take responsibility for the slums, and as drug gangs built caches of weapons it became harder for the police to enter without a firefight. The demonstrators are supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a bloodless military coup in2006. In the battlefield of culture we have to work out strategies that are able to hit a nerve of our opponents. Ozil is expected to start on Wednesday, though, with Kaka missing out through injury as Real look to reach the knockout stages by beating Lyon, who they thrashed 4-0 two weeks ago. Breaking the one bank into its components without bloodshed, great internal resistance, or more losses would be difficult. |
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