

单词 blest
释义 blest 英blest美blɛstAHDblĕst 高COCA¹⁴⁸⁶⁸⁰BNC⁷⁰⁹²³

highly favored or fortunate as e.g. by divine grace;

our blessed land

the blessed assurance of a steady income

近义词 blessed神圣的

I amblestif I know.我根本不知道。as in.happy
同义词 cheerful,contented,delighted,ecstatic,elated,glad,joyful,joyous,jubilant,lively,merry,overjoyed,peaceful,pleasant,pleased,satisfied,thrilled,upbeatblessed,blissful,blithe,can't complain,captivated,chipper,chirpy,content,convivial,exultant,flying high,gay,gleeful,gratified,intoxicated,jolly,laughing,light,looking good,mirthful,on cloud nine,peppy,perky,playful,sparkling,sunny,tickled,tickled pink,up,walking on air
反义词 depressed,disappointed,disturbed,down,grave,melancholy,miserable,not happy,sad,serious,sorrowful,troubled,unhappy,upsetdiscouraged,dissatisfied,forsaken,hopeless,morose,painedas in.sanctified
同义词 consecrated,hallowed,veneratedinviolable,sacrosanct
happiestadjective in high spirits;satisfied
blessed,blissful,blithe,can't complain,captivated,cheerful,chipper,chirpy,content,contented,convivial,delighted,ecstatic,elated,exultant,flying high,gay,glad,gleeful,gratified,intoxicated,jolly,joyful,joyous,jubilant,laughing,light,lively,looking good,merry,mirthful,on cloud nine,overjoyed,peaceful,peppy,perky,playful,pleasant,pleased,sparkling,sunny,thrilled,tickled,tickled pink,up,upbeat,walking on air
happyadjective in high spirits;delighted
blessed,blest,blissful,blithe,can't complain,captivated,cheerful,chipper,chirpy,content,contented,convivial,delighted,ecstatic,elated,exultant,flying high,gay,glad,gleeful,gratified,intoxicated,jolly,joyful,joyous,jubilant,laughing,light,lively,looking good,merry,mirthful,on cloud nine,overjoyed,peaceful,peppy,perky,playful,pleasant,pleased,satisfied,sparkling,sunny,thrilled,tickled,tickled pink,up,upbeat,walking on air
sanctifiedadjective holy
blest,consecrated,hallowed,inviolable,sacrosanct,venerated And oh! when on the blest, reviving.
哦!一旦得祈福,你就复活。 blog.sina.com.cn

For the homes that with purest affection are blest.
感谢纯洁爱心所护佑的家园。 gr.xjtu.edu.cn

Return of love,more blest may be the view;
看到爱的归来,是他们心中最大的企盼; ebigear

The changing air fuel ratio control strategy is adapted to assured combustion control and store enough hot blest in the burning time for the hot blast stove.
针对如何保证在热风炉燃烧时间内贮备足够的送风所需的热量,本论文采用了变空燃比燃烧的控制方案。 fabiao

Alive, he was highly respected by all; dead, he enjoyed the generous air and rosy light in the land of the Blest.
活着的时候,他受到人们的普遍敬重;死后,在不莱斯特这块土地上,他享受着无比清新的空气和玫瑰般绚丽多彩的阳光。 ebigear

Appreciate more and criticize less; Know how to appreciate is doubly blest.
多赞赏、少批评、懂珍惜、乐无穷。 gogo

But oh! I'm Blest when so kind she does prove.
可,哦!我在她如此诚挚地通过有意。 douban

But you cannot have rest, or be perfectly blest, Until all on the altar is laid.
但不能有安息,得不着大福祉,除非你将一切全献上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Friends and loves we have none, nor wealth nor blest abode.
我们无友无爱无财也无宁静住所。 tianyablog

He that has my first, is blest.
拥有我最初的人,他有福了。 blog.sina.com.cn

How often have I blest the coming day.
多少回我为即将到来的一天祈福。 kdnet

I'm blest if I know!

I'm blest if I know! ie I don't know at all.
我要是知道就好了我一点也不知道。 hotdic

Making dead wood more blest than living lips.
使枯木比活嘴唇更值得艳羡。 nbptweb

Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest;
完全的顺服,快乐无比, 天堂的荣耀显在我心理! dmccf.org

They are no enough money, but they are best of all blest person. They own big- time.
他们没有足够的金钱,但他们却是最幸褔的人,他们拥有快乐的时光。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thou blest“ Rock of Ages, ” I'm hiding in Thee.
你是万世磐石,我藏身主里。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thy life in His blest Hand.
仍乐意把生命交在祂手中。 ebigear

Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.
在她的河流里濯洗,受着故乡阳光的庇护。 blog.sina.com.cn

We shall not be ashamed of our hope. It shall be even as the LORD has said. We shall be fed, led, blest, and rested.
我们不以我们的盼望为耻,诚如主所说的,主要带领、喂养、祝福我们,使我们得享安息。 blog.sina.com.cn

You can only be blest and have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your body and soul.
你若将身、心、灵交在主的手里,必蒙主赐大福享安宁。 blog.sina.com.cn

Blest was I then all bliss above!
简直是幸福与极乐的化身! bbs.gxsd.com.cn




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