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词汇 bless
释义 bless 英bles美blɛsAHDblĕs ★★☆☆☆高四六研I4八COCA⁵⁶¹²BNC¹¹⁰⁷⁴iWeb³⁹⁵⁷

vt. 求神赐福于

to ask God's favour and protection for

vt. 为…祝福

to grant happiness, health, or prosperity to

vt. 对…感激

to express gratitude to

vt. 使…有幸享有

to endow with a talent, beauty, etc

give a benediction to;

The dying man blessed his son

confer prosperity or happiness onmake the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecraterender holy by means of religious rites
bless, bliss

这两个词词形相近,但意思不同。bless意为“祝福”“祈求”,是及物动词; bliss意为“快乐”或“幸福”,是名词。

来自古英语,源自原始日耳曼语,与blood血同源,原本指日耳曼蛮族用鲜血来祭祀神灵的做法。基督教传入欧洲后,血祭的做法逐渐消失,bless一词只剩下“祭祀、供奉神灵”之意。在将《圣经》翻译为英文时,翻译者将希伯来语中的brk跪拜、崇拜、赞美、求福一词翻译为英语单词bless,所以bless又含有了希伯来语brk的含义,表示人对神的崇拜、赞美和祈求福佑。后来,受到英语单词bliss福佑、天赐之福的影响,bless的词义逐渐变成了“祝福、保佑、赞美”的意思,其宾语从神变成了人。bless oneself自祝,非常高兴…God bless me!天哪!not have a penny to bless oneself with一个便士也没有…Bless the mark!save the m…God bless the mark!上帝保佑!真了不起!…Bless my soul!我的天哪!Lord bless me!上帝保佑Bless me!我的天哪!Bless my life!我的天哪!哎呀!好家…God bless my soul!天哪!Bless him!哎呀!好家伙!我的天…God bless you!愿上帝保佑你!…God bless my life!我的天啊!怎么搞的!…Bless you!祝福你!Lord bless my soul!哎呀!老天爷保佑!…
bless in v.+prep.

有幸拥有…而感到幸福 be favoured with (sb or sth)

bless sb in sb/v-ingHe is blessed in his children.他为自己有子女而感到幸福。
He is blessed in having such a good wife.他有幸娶了这样一位贤妻。
He is blessed in having such a family.他为有这样一个家庭而感到幸福。
bless with v.+prep.

有幸拥有 be favoured with (sb or sth)

故事记忆曾经做过 Waitress女招待后来成为 Actress女演员梦想当个 Mistress女主人常把命运 Guess猜测但好运气 Less较少地天堂里被上帝 Bless保佑故事记忆有个漂亮 Mistress女主人注重仪容和 Dress服装成天把玩 Chess国际象棋家里常常 Mess混乱丈夫不堪 Distress痛苦只盼上帝 Bless保佑GRE难词记忆bless→b音“不”+less a.较少的→祝福的话一句都不能少谐音记忆b音“不”+lessa.较少的⇒祝福的话一句都不能少谐音记忆音“不累死”⇒祈求上苍保佑bless不累死 近义词 laud赞美back后面sign手势thank感谢exalt赞扬extol颂扬praise赞美glorify美化approve批准support支持endorse赞同commend推荐sanction批准sanctify使神圣dedicate致力于hallow使 … 神圣consecrate供神用congratulate祝贺反义词 curse诅咒
S+~+ n./pron.Bless me!我的天哪!
Bless me!He's won again.好家伙,他又赢了!
Bless me!Where's my wallet?天哪,我的钱包哪去了?
Bless me if it isn't my old friend!如果这不是我的老朋友,让我眼睛瞎掉。
Bless you!太谢谢你了!
Bless you, my boy!祝福你,我的孩子!
Bless my heart!我的天哪!好家伙!
Bless my heart,what a dreadful sight!天哪,这景象多么可怕啊!
Bless your heart,you really helped me a lot.哎呀,你真是帮了我不少忙。
God bless you!愿上帝保佑你!
God bless you,my dear.It's most kind of you to help.上帝保佑你,我亲爱的。你能来帮忙真是太感谢了。
God will bless this union.愿上帝保佑这桩婚姻。
Good night, God bless.晚安,上帝保佑。
Lord bless us!上帝保佑我们!
My good wife,I bless you!祝福你,我的好妻子!
The people went up to the bridegroom and the bride to bless them.人们走向前去向新郎新娘祝福。
The priestblessed the old woman.牧师为这位老太太祝福。
The priestblessed the congregation.牧师求神赐福于会众。
The priestblessed the harvest.牧师祈求丰收。
The priestblessed the bread and wine before the celebration of the Eucharist.牧师先将面包和酒圣洁化,然后开始圣餐仪式。
The priestblessed the ship before it left port.牧师祈祷上帝保佑那艘船一路顺风。
Sarah, bless her, had made a cup of tea.感谢萨拉,她给沏了一杯茶。
Your mother, bless her heart, is the only friend I have.你母亲,上帝保佑她,是我唯一的朋友。
Bless her heart,hasn't she grown into a beautiful young lady!哇,她已长成了一个美丽的少女了!
“And then he offered to cook supper for us.”“Oh, bless!”“然后他提出为我们做晚饭。”“噢,真是太感谢了!”
Sheblessed them for their patience.她感谢他们容忍了她。
I bless him for his kindness.我感激他的好意。
May you beblessed and have strength and prosperity.祝你健康幸福。
I'mblessed if I go with her.我真的不会跟她一起去。
I'mblessed if I do!如果我去做,不得好死!Pblessednessn.幸福Pblessingn.祝福同意幸事Pthrice-blesseda.极幸福的非常幸运的blesseda.神圣的受祝福的bless的过去式和过去分词; Punblesseda.不受天福的无福的不受祝福的邪恶的被诅咒的倒霉的不幸的



May the godsblessthis grateful heart!愿神祗保佑这深明大义的孩子。
May Lordblessall of us who are in misfortune!愿天主保佑我们这些苦难的人吧!
The priestblessedthe ship before it left port.牧师在船离港之前为其祝福。
To give me your heart, andblessme with your love!给我你的心,用你的爱来祝福我吧!
I willblessher and give you a son by her.我要赐福给她,让她为你生一个儿子。
But God wants toblessyou today.然而,神是要在今天赐福予你。verb.sanctify
同义词 anoint,baptize,consecrate,ordain,thankabsolve,beatify,canonize,commend,confirm,cross,dedicate,enshrine,eulogize,exalt,extol,glorify,hallow,honor,laud,magnify,offer,praise,sacrifice,sign,sprinklegive thanks to,invoke benefits,invoke happiness,make holy,offer benediction,panegyrize,pray for,pronounce holy
反义词 blame,castigate,censure,condemn,criticize,debase,denounce,desecrate,disrespect,humiliate,reproach,shamecurse,damnverb.grant, bestow
同义词 celebrate,endowfavor,give,glorify,grace,laud,magnify,praise,provide
反义词 takedeny,disallow,disapprove,refuse,veto
OKverb permit
abet,accede,accept,acquiesce,admit,agree,allow,approbate,approve,authorize,blink at,boost,buy,charter,concede,concur,condone,consent,empower,enable,endorse,endure,franchise,give a thumbs-up,give leave,give permission,go for,grant,have,humor,indulge,leave,let,let pass,license,okay,pass,privilege,sanctify,sanction,say yes,shake on,sign,sign off on,suffer,take kindly to,tolerate,warrant,wink at
admitverb allow entry or use
accept,be big on,bless,buy,concede,enter,entertain,give a thumbs-up,give access,give the nod,grant,harbor,house,initiate,introduce,let,let in,lodge,okay,permit,receive,shelter,sign,sign off on,suffer,take,take in
admitsverb allow entry or use
accepts,blesses,buys,concedes,enters,entertains,gives access,gives the nod,gives thumbs up,grants,harbors,houses,initiates,introduces,is big on,lets,lets in,lodges,o.k.'s,permits,receives,shelters,signs,signs off on,suffers,takes,takes in
advocateverb support idea or cause publicly
advance,advise,argue for,back,be in corner,bless,bolster,boost,brace up,build up,campaign for,champion,countenance,defend,encourage,favor,further,get on bandwagon,give a leg up,give a lift,go for,go to bat for,go with,hold with,justify,plead for,plug,plump for,press for,promote,propose,push,recommend,ride shotgun for,root for,run interference for,say so,side,speak for,spread around,stump for,support,tout,uphold,urge,vindicate
advocatesverb support idea or cause publicly
advances,advises,argues for,backs,blesses,bolsters,boosts,brace up,builds up,campaign for,champions,countenances,defends,encourages,favors,furthers,gets on bandwagon,gives a leg up,gives a lift,goes for,goes to bats for,goes with,holds with,is in corner,justifies,pleads for,plugs,plumps for,press for,promotes,proposes,pushes,recommends,rides shotguns for,root for,runs interference for,says so,sides,speaks for,spreads around,stump for,supports,touts,upholds,urges,vindicates
advocatingverb support idea or cause publicly
advancing,advising,arguing for,backing,being in corner,blessing,bolstering,boosting,brace up,building up,campaign for,championing,countenancing,defending,encouraging,favoring,furthering,getting on bandwagon,giving a leg up,giving a lift,going for,going to batting for,going with,holding with,justifying,pleading for,plugging,plumping for,press for,promoting,proposing,pushing,recommending,riding shotguning for,root for,running interference for,saying so,siding,speaking for,spreading around,stump for,supporting,touting,upholding,urging,vindicating All right? God bless you.
好的,愿上帝保佑你们。 yeeyan

And the LORD your God will bless you in everything you do.
耶和华你的神就必在你所作的一切事上赐福与你。 ebigear

From the house of the Lord we bless you.
我们从耶和华的殿中,为你们祝福。 ebigear

God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others.
你无私地帮助我和其他人,上帝保佑你。 yeeyan

I wore sunglasses and played Heartbreak Hotel and God Bless the Child on my sax.
我戴着太阳镜,用萨克斯管吹奏《伤心旅馆》和《上帝保佑孩子》。 yeeyan

I bless you, young man.
我为您祝福,青年人。 ebigear

If both of you are talkers when it comes to issues, God Bless, and have a wonderful life.
如果你们都是那种把秘密说出来的人,上帝保佑,你肯定有一个幸福的生活。 yeeyan

If Mitchell is still up for it, well, then God bless him.
如果米切尔对此还有所打算的话,那么,只能上帝保佑他了。 yeeyan

In this special festival, I bless you!
在这个特殊的节日里我祝福你! ebigear

Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.
圣诞快乐,上帝保佑你们大家,所有生活在美好地球上的人们。 ecocn

No, no, no, not God Bless America, God damn America!
不,不,不。不是上帝保佑美国,是上帝谴责美国! ebigear

Sincere love together is the most all combined with pure, bless you.
真诚的爱情的结合是一切结合中最纯洁的,祝福你们。 kekenet

Thank you and God bless you.
谢谢大家,愿上帝保佑你们。 ebigear

This gives you the opportunity to pray for and bless the other, thereby blessing yourself.
它其实是给了你一个机会,去为他人祈祷和祝福,从而赐福给你自己。 yeeyan

Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.
因此在我活着的时候我会祝福你:我会以你的名义举起我的手。 yeeyan

We have to bless one another constantly.
我们要不断的祝福他人。 yeeyan

Bless me too, my father!
我父啊,求你也为我祝福! ebigear

Bless you, my boy!
祝福你,我的孩子! hxen

Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself.
祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。 ebigear

Bless you, teachers!
祝福您,老师! kekenet

Bless you in this era of peace and happiness, happy holidays!
祝福你在这个和平幸福的年代里节日快乐! hjenglish




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