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六神无主 liù shén wú zhǔ 常用成语 基本辨析辨析谜语歇后语其它语言例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句例句 in a state of utter stupefaction繁体六神無主近义惊慌失措;六神不安;心神不定反义泰然处之;若无其事;从容不迫辨析六神无主和“心惊肉跳”;都可形容惊惧不安。但六神无主主要偏重在心情慌乱;不知怎么办才好;“心惊肉跳”偏重心神不宁;不安;害怕不好的事情临头。辨析六神无主和“心惊肉跳”;都可形容惊惧不安。但六神无主主要偏重在心情慌乱;不知怎么办才好;“心惊肉跳”偏重心神不宁;不安;害怕不好的事情临头。谜语兔子坐上虎皮椅日文びっくりぎょうてんする,胆きもをつぶす。 俄文в полной растерянности 德文aus der Fassung geraten vǒllig verwirrt那里我这个人六神无主,失张失智的。朱自清《笑的历史 笑的历史》主谓式:作谓语;定语;状语;指不知如何才好;含贬义。汉·张衡《髑髅赋》:“五内皆还,六神皆复。” 明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷二十九:“吓得知县已是六神无主,不有甚心肠去吃酒。”解释: 六神:古时指主宰人的心;肺;肝;肾;脾;胆六脏的神,泛指心神。形容人心慌意乱,不知如何是好。明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷二九:“吓得知县已是六神无主,还有甚心肠去吃酒,只得又差人辞了卢柟。” 清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》二四回:“此时贾大少爷弄得六神无主:意思想要出城,因听了车夫的话,想要会会那年轻的姑子;待要下车,又见天色渐晚,恐怕赶不出城。” 刘心武《钟鼓楼》四章:“薛纪跃在这乱哄哄的场面中,只觉得眼花缭乱,头脑发胀,活像一个不会游泳的人掉在了水塘里,心慌意乱,六神无主。”近义词 心惊胆战魂不守舍失魂落魄魂飞魄散魂不附体心惊肉跳心惊胆落魂飞天外丧魂失魄神不守舍黯然销魂神魂颠倒六畜不安心乱如麻心慌意乱芒刺在背六神不安五色无主若有所失诚惶诚恐心神不定惊慌失措 反义词 处之泰然泰然自若从容不迫镇静自若若无其事泰然处之不慌不忙神色自若 他是一个不能独立处事的人,一旦发现自己独自一人时,他就会六神无主,可怜巴巴的。He's one of those people who can't stand his own company. As soon as he finds himself alone he gets down in the dump. 我收到税务局的来信,把我吓得六神无主。I received a nasty surprise in the shape of a letter from the taxman.六神无主的艾达连忙跑回别墅,哭着喊着要爸爸,要爸爸——来带她离开,哎呀,天哪! Terrified, she fled back to the villa, calling in a loud voice for her father, her father— to come and take her away, Oh, God! yeeyan 奥立弗虽然忧心忡忡,却被费根咄咄逼人的狡黠目光以及自己的种种思虑搅得六神无主。 Although Oliver felt very anxious, he was much confused by the earnest cunning of Fagin's looks and his own speculations. ebigear 不是你!我指的是我化学班上的一个女孩。我一和她在一起就会六神无主。 Not you! I mean the girl in my chemistry class. Actually, I lose my mind just standing next to her. sznews 过去几周,他愈来愈六神无主。 Over the past few weeks, IT had grown increasingly restless. zzenglish.com 过去几周,她越来越六神无主。 Over the past several weeks, she had grown increasingly restless. youling599.com 然而这时有个问题出现了,只要你设法预想关于你和他她的未来时,你就会觉得很迷茫,可能就会因此变得六神无主。 Yet a great problem comes meanwhile, things only do turn out to be dream when u manage to predict ur futures, about u and about her or him. u feel so confused that u're likely to be down in the dumps. iciba 听到这个消息后,他吓得六神无主。 Having heard such news, he was frightened out of his sense.1stenglish 我六神无主了吗?我开始大谈康德之崇高、大谈流星、大谈爱情了吗? Did I start talking about the Kantian sublime, and about meteors and about love? yeeyan 我都六神无主了。 I got so scared. yeeyan 希望你能帮我的忙,我现在已六神无主。 I hope you can help me. I'm a total mess. tingclass 现在我要让你六神无主一下。女人总是了解你在想什么。 Now I'm going to blow your mind… a woman always knows what you're thinking. www.englishok.com.cn 因此,斯洛普先生离开她的时候感到六神无主。 Mr. Slope had thus left her quite bewildered. kuenglish 这位101岁的老太太说:她当时被吓得六神无主,连尿裤子都忘啦。 The101 years old woman said she was so scared that she didn't wet herself. blog.sina.com.cn |