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词汇 blended in
释义 blended in短语⁵²²³⁸
Based on the “ office” adapted from the second quarter, BBC version began, blended in many American culture subtle nuances, let a person watching very simply astounding feeling.
美版的《办公室》改编于 BBC版本,从第二季开始,融入了很多美国文化的精妙细微,让人看完常有拍案叫绝之感。 skyxk

The blend is mostly Cabernet, but has a bit of Petit Verdot and Merlot blended in too.
主要是解百纳,也有少许味而多及美露。 yeyoubao

The above steps reduce the contrast slightly too much, so we restore this with another blended in grayscale layer to up the contrast but leave the colors relatively unchanged.
前一步让对比度下降的有点大了,所以咱要再一次用一个灰度图来加大一点反差,但要保持色彩关系不变。 xitek

Beautiful landscape and customs of his homeland together with his feelings gradually became potential genes and blended in his passion.
故土的绮丽风光、乡情风俗等早已随着情感的日积月累变成了潜在的文化基因,融入了作家的思想感情。 cnki

The melting point temperature is affected by the percentage of calcium oxide blended in the iron ore fine and the characteristic of iron ore fine itself.
实验结果表明,铁矿粉与氧化钙反应生成液相的熔点温度受氧化钙的配比和铁矿粉本身的特性影响。 chemyq

This had been the city's practice for30 years, the legacy of an era when being called Comrade Party or Comrade State blended in more with the Orwellian spirit of the time.




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