词汇 | 入木三分 |
释义 | 入木三分 辨形“入”,不能写作“人”。 辨形“入”,不能写作“人”。 歇后语锤子敲钉子;啄木鸟治树 法文dessin tracé d'un trait fermejugement à point crucial 俄文глубоконе в бровь,а в глаз 王羲之的书法,可以称得上冠绝古今,他的字秀丽中透着苍劲,柔和中带着刚强,后代的许多书法家,没有一个能比得上他的。所以,学习书法的人很多都以他的字作范本。现今在他留下来的书帖中最著名的有《兰亭集序》;《黄庭经》等。 王羲之的字写得这样好,固然与他的天资有关系,但最重要的还是由于他的刻苦练习。他为了把字练好,无论休息还是走路;心里总是想着字体的结构,揣摩着字的架子和气势,而且不停地用手指头在衣襟上划着。所以时间久了,连身上的衣服也划破了。 他曾经在池塘边练习写字,每次写完,就在池塘里洗涤笔砚。时间一久,整个池塘的水都变黑了。由此我们可以知道,他在练习书法上所下功夫之深了。 据说他很爱鹅,平时常常望着在河里戏水的鹅发呆,后来竟然从鹅的动作中领悟出运笔的原理,而对他的书法技艺大有助益。 有一次,他到一个道观去玩,看到一群鹅非常可爱,便要求道士卖给他。观里的道士早就钦慕他的书法,便请他写部《黄庭经》作为交换。王羲之实在太喜欢那些鹅了,便同意了。于是王羲之给观里写了部《黄庭经》,道士便把那些鹅都送给了他。 还有一次,当时的皇帝要到北郊去祭祀,让王羲之把祝辞写在一块木板上,再派工人雕刻。雕刻的工人在雕刻时非常惊奇,王羲之写的字,笔力竟然渗入木头三分多。他赞叹地说:“右军将军的字,真是入木三分呀!” 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Mr Jungersen is good on the bizarre international“ genocide industry” with its swish seminars, showpiece survivors and squabbling professors. The second part researches on the characters in Pi Rixiu's essay which includes deep political irony, calm criticism of the social fashion and philosophical thinking. Karen's creations include the tiniest of detail, from the teeth to the' hair' in the lion's ears. Lao Wang's analysis was really penetrating. Michael's performance in this next film earned him the Golden Globe and the Oscar, the Best Actor and turned greed into a four-letter word. Friends don't always feel deeply about things. Wide field of view of people look at problems, to promote multi-dimensional perspective, can we fully penetrating and accurate. In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories. His analysis was really penetrating. His description gives a vivid picture of the situation. He received the Oscar nomination for his brilliant performance of an altar boy accused of Murder in“Primal Fear” and went on to deliver fantastically as a neo- Nazi in “ American History X”. I found myself gasping over the tragedy of the poor people's lives that the play portrayed so well. This in-depth treatment is followed by a very high- level overview of computer technology. It's a stunning work of close observation and simple description, and a devastating study of the psychology of oppression. The view point of this article is unique, and its description is direct and penetrating at one time. This calligrapher writes a forceful hand, with bold and vigorous strokes. The portray of detail which is authentic, fine, vivid, profound carries out great artistic charm. Really wild! Karen's creations include the tiniest of detail, from the teeth to the' hair' in the lion's ears. The famous performing artist of Beijing Opera, Mr. Shang Changrong, has created and performed a vivid portrayal of Caocao. Though nobody is seen in this picture, you really can feel and touch the festive atmosphere. The photographer successfully unfolds before our eyes a scene of folk- customs. |
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