

单词 入乡随俗
释义 入乡随俗 rù xiāng suí sú 常用成语
do in Rome as Rome doesWhile in rome ,do as rome doseDo in Rome as the Romans do.go nativeWhen in Rome do as the Romans do.繁体入鄉随俗近义入境问俗;因地制宜变体入鄉隨俗正音“俗”,不能读作“shú”。
辨形“随”,不能写作“谁”。俄文вступáть в чужой край,соблюдáть его обычаи庞贝古城潜藏得过于轰轰烈烈,中国人温文尔雅,连自然力也入乡随俗,一层层地慢慢来。余秋雨《文化苦旅 五城记》连动式:作宾语;分句;指顺从当地的习俗;含褒义。宋 释普济《五灯会元 大宁道宽禅师》:“虽然如是,‘且道入乡随俗一句作么生道?’良久曰:‘西天梵语,此土唐言。’”解释: 到哪个地方去,就要依从哪个地方的习俗。宋·释普济《五灯会元·大宁道宽禅师》:“虽然如是,且道入乡随俗一句作么生道?”
周而复《上海的早晨》一部二二:“‘凡事要入乡随乡,到啥地方说啥地方的话。这些物事,’他指着靠背椅上的衣服和床前的皮鞋,‘在老区确实用不着,不过在上海穿穿倒也是需要的,嗨嗨。’”近义词 随遇而安入境问俗因地制宜
“告诉你的朋友们你一天吃不了三大餐。” “我可不想使他们不高兴,最好还是入乡随俗-何况只有一周的时间。”“Just tell your friends you can't eat three enormous meals a day.” “I wouldn't like to offend them. When in Rome, better do as the Romans do-especially as it's only for a week.”
;入国问禁,入乡随俗。When in Rome do as the Romans do.“入乡随俗”。一位专门负责接待外国记者的官员不停地告诉他们这个奇怪的说法。
“When in Rome, do as the Romanians do, ” one official assigned to mind foreign journalists kept telling them, oddly. ecocn

And the strategy of “ going native” no longer looks possible either, as the next article will show. ecocn

Edward Steinfeld's book Playing Our Game: Why China's Rise Doesn't Threaten the West offers a different perspective on China's rise. yeeyan

Of course, when in Rome we should also DO as the Romans DO, especially paying attention to hygiene and observing the public social morals. ebigear

To a traveler, the greatest imaginable difficulty is to do in Rome exactly as the Romans do.703804

Bribery is the price that you must pay to enter some of the world's most difficult marketsthe “when in Rome” argument.31931

If they can do that they will know how to shift to our society over time.188900

You are in a different country somewhere in Europe. It would be rude of you not to partake in the culture, including the beautiful women. yeeyan

He is in fact a person who has himself, in a certain sense, gone native.163

Adjust to changing circumstances and adapt to local conditions. hicoo

“ Chinese tourists do a European tour, as the Japanese did25 years ago, with very modest local integration, ” he said. yeeyan

I know you have porridge and pickles for breakfast at home. But since you are now in Europe, you will do as the Romans do and take coffee and rolls.51lunwen

We should do as the Romans do when in Rome. blog.sina.com.cn

像桑坦德银行,汇丰银行 HSBC和摩根大通一样,巴黎银行也有一个核心领导班子,这个班子被指示当他们被派往银行分部就任时不要就这样入乡随俗了。
Like Santander, HSBC and JPMorgan Chase, BNP Paribas has a cadre of executives under instructions not to go native when they are posted to its divisions. ecocn

Uses He Zhong as for the choice to meet the etiquette, should regard the different culture to decide, does in Rome as Rome does is the best plan.97gan

To sum up, do in Rome as Rome does, but you need not worry about these cultural barriers since most Chinese are hospitable and amiable and will not mind your nonproficiency. ebigear

The topic of this unit is customs. There is a saying goes like this: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” hebei.guopei.teacher.com.cn

Santa Muerte is even more accommodating: she accepts offerings of beer and tequila, and is thought by believers to protect criminals and the law- abiding alike and to be amenable to all petitions. ecocn




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