词汇 | 兔死狐悲 |
释义 | 兔死狐悲 辨形“狐”,不能写作“孤”。 辨形“狐”,不能写作“孤”。 法文éprouver de la compassion pour ses semblables 俄文один негодяй оплáкивает другого 德文um Leute gleichen Schlages trauern 有个长者经过,看见狐狸在兔子旁边哭泣,觉得奇怪,就问狐狸哭泣的原因。 狐狸悲哀的说:我和兔子同样是微小的动物,是猎人捕猎的对象。我们相约共同对敌, 共生死,同患难。现在我的同盟被猎人射死,他今日的死亡,意味着我明天的死亡。我们是真正的朋友,我哪能不伤心哭泣呢! 长者听了,叹着气,说:你为这样的同伴哀悼哭得有理! 【注意】多含贬义。 反义词 Perhaps the cicada effect, also perhaps the like grieves for like, after all especially will detect the group with difficulty from peacefully, behind will possibly create effect difficult material. The rabbit and fox are both considered to be smart and resourceful, so the saying“When the rabbit dies, the fox grieves” describes the bond between opponents who are also kindred spirits. |
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