

单词 ble
释义 ble 英lb美lb COCA⁷²⁰⁶⁹BNC⁵⁴²⁹⁰
=both lower extremities 双下肢,=bullous lupus erythematosus 大疱性红斑狼疮
According to a recent study from ABI Research, the BLE market will develop in two very separate stages.
ABI最新的一项研究表明, BLE市场将有两个非常不同的发展阶段。 www.cnw.com.cn

The contribution of interrupt- ble load to system reliability enhancement, peak price depression and operation cost reduction are introduced. Based on above discussions, some conclusions are obtained.
随后介绍了可中断负荷对提高系统可靠性、削弱价格尖峰、减少运行成本等方面的贡献; cnki

Carlos Ble is a developer out of Spain.
Carlos Bie是西班牙的一个开发人员。 yeeyan

Compounds of this type have a series of characteristics: high photo- promotion activity, low production cost, and rnisci- ble with aqueous and non-aqueous light sensitive compositions.
这类化合物具有一系列特点:光促进作用强、生产成本低、能与水系和油系感光组成物混溶。 cnki

Contrctures occur when the muscles ren't ble to relax.
当肌肉无法得到放松时会产生挛缩。 jiachunbao

First with support for BLE embedded in mobile handsets, and then a second stage when BLE devices come to market.
第一阶段是嵌入到移动终端。第二阶段是 BLE设备。 www.cnw.com.cn

I won't be ble to see him tody.
今天我没可能去看他。 www.8wmt.com

Key is that both dual mode and single mode suppliers are confident that each will deliver and support BLE.
关键是双模和单模芯片供应商对他们提供的 BLE都非常有信心。 www.cnw.com.cn

Next year, single mode ICs will account for less than3% of BLE chipset shipments.
明年,单模芯片将会占 BLE芯片组出货量的不到3%。 www.cnw.com.cn

Object To study antioxidative mechanisms of BLE bamboo leaf extract that can change plasmic MDA and SOD activity in rats model.
目的从抗氧化角度探讨竹叶提取液对荷瘤小鼠血液中 SOD及 MDA水平的影响。 cnki

Ble to button up spot lifter, de- film agent, Manual painting lacquer, insecticide and relevant similar product.
能够扣住去油污剂、脱膜剂、手喷漆、杀虫剂和更多此类物品。 machinetn.com

Ble admits that he should have been more careful but he had confidence in Google.
Ble承认他应该更小心一些但他曾信任 Google. yeeyan

BLE is supported by two different technology implementations: dual mode and single mode ICs.
BLE有两种不同的技术实现方式:双模和单模芯片。 www.cnw.com.cn

BLE will enable sensors and monitors to communicate with mobile handsets and other BLE-enabled devices using very low power communications.
BLE能让传感器和监视器以非常低的能耗与移动通信终端和其他支持 BLE功能的设备通信。 www.cnw.com.cn




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