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词汇 blasphemy
释义 blas·phe·my 英ˈblæsfəmiː美ˈblæsfəmiAHDblăsʹfə-mē ★☆☆☆☆高四S宝GCOCA²⁹³⁹²BNC²¹⁷³⁴iWeb¹⁶⁷³⁸Economist¹³⁴⁴³

blasphemous language expressing disrespect for God or for something sacredblasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character;

desecration of the Holy Sabbath

发音释义:'blæsfəmɪ n. 亵渎神灵
结构分析:blasphemy = blas有害的+phemy话→伤害神灵的话→亵渎神灵
词源解释:blas←希腊语blaptikos有害的;phemy ←希腊语pheme话
助记窍门:blasphemy→blast爆炸+ phemy话→爆炸出来的话→胡乱咒骂,亵渎神灵钱博士blas恶意地+phem说话+y抽象名词后缀,表行为→恶意说话,口出恶言的行为⇒亵渎神明
GRE红宝书1)blas = blame责备, phem出现-出现责备-亵渎2)blas = blast毁灭, phemy读: 佛弥. 毁灭佛爷-亵渎
blast + fame 攻击著名人士上帝;blast 攻击 + pheme 说;blast + him 攻击他→辱骂别人; 可以看成是blame
记blas=blame责备+phem出现 +y→受责备的事→亵渎
GRE难词记忆blaspheme→blas=false 错误的+pheme=tospeak 说→to speak ill of→辱骂→亵渎blas恶意地+phem说话+y抽象名词后缀,表行为→恶意说话,口出恶言的行为⇒亵渎神明。GRE难词记忆blasphemy→blaspheme v.亵渎上帝或神圣事物+y→亵渎上帝词根记忆blas坏+phem+y—讲坏话近义词 oath誓言cuss诅咒curse诅咒offense过错profanity亵渎violation违反wickedness邪恶execration诅咒irreverence不敬imprecation咒语profanation亵渎cussword下流的话sacrilege亵渎圣物desecration亵渎神圣swearword极不恭敬的话…

用作名词Murder andblasphemyare mortal sins.谋杀和亵渎神明的言词都是不可饶恕的大罪。
Their conversation was full ofblasphemy.他们的谈话中充满了渎犯神灵的言词。noun.irreverence
同义词 desecration,heresyabuse,execration,impiety,impiousness,imprecation,indignity,lewdness,profanation,profaneness,profanity,sacrilege,scoffing,scurrility,swearing,vituperationcursing,cussing,reviling
反义词 respectgodliness,piety,religion,religiousness,reverence
cursenoun hateful, swearing remark
anathema,ban,baneblasphemingcommination,cursing,cuss word,cussing,damning,denunciation,dirty name,dirty word,double whammy,execration,expletive,four-letter word,fulmination,imprecation,malediction,malison,naughty words,no-no,oath,objuration,obloquy,obscenity,profanation,profanity,sacrilege,swear word,swearing,vilification,whammy
cussnoun swearword
blasphemy,curse,cussword,expletive,four-letter word,obscenity
desecrationnoun violation, abuse
execrationnoun hating
heresynoun unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
impietynoun ungodliness
blasphemy,godlessness,heresy,irreverence,profanity And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
兽就开口向神说亵渎的话,亵渎神的名,并他的帐幕,以及那些住在天上的。 ebigear

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
我又看见一个兽从海中上来,有十角七头,在十角上戴着十个冠冕,七头上有亵渎的名号。 ebigear

Pakistan’s parliament is revising the constitution but it has left intact the religious bits, despite a vow by the ruling party to review the blasphemy laws.
巴基斯坦议会正在修改宪法,但对于宗教方面的内容并无改动,执政党仅是口口声声说要重新审议亵渎神明法。 ecocn

The persona of the fool allowed the truth to be told, without the usual ramifications that might come with speaking blasphemy or challenging ingrained social conventions.
只要不带来通常的结果,即说话亵渎或挑战根深蒂固的社会习俗,这些人才会让真相给说出来。 yeeyan

The church and religious groups accused the film of blasphemy and attempted to get it banned.
教会和宗教组织控诉这部影片的亵渎内容并企图将其禁映。 yeeyan

The idea of having the liberty to say whatever comes to our lips sounds to Plato like a kind of blasphemy.

The smirking killer later said he acted because Mr Taseer’s call for the blasphemy law to be repealed made Mr Taseer himself a “ blasphemer”.
杀死塔希尔先生的凶手随后还假笑着说他之所以对塔希尔先生下手是因为塔希尔先生亵渎神灵,因为他要求废除亵渎法。 ecocn

There is the old intolerant, gun-toting, immigrant- bashing, mainly southern right which sees any form of co-operation as treachery, even blasphemy.
同时老一辈的不容异己、持枪、打击移民的共和党人,主要是南方的右派,认为任何形式的合作都是一种背叛甚至是亵渎。 ecocn

But what beautiful, what necessary, blasphemy!
但这是多么美好多么必要的“亵渎”啊! yeeyan

He had run a lonely but fearless campaign against Pakistan’s pernicious blasphemy law and was gunned down in broad daylight in Islamabad by one of his own police guards.
他曾孤身一人发起一场反对巴基斯坦恶毒的亵渎法的无畏运动,然后于光天化日之下在伊斯兰堡被自己的一名警卫给打死。 ecocn

Her group has compiled a list of70 recent cases, in15 countries, where blasphemy laws led to gross abuses of human rights.
她的团队列举了15个国家最近发生的70多起案件,这些国家都因反亵渎法而导致了对人权的肆意侵犯。 ecocn

In theory, blasphemy is punishable by death—a penalty that has been handed down but never carried out.
理论上来说,亵渎神明可以通过死刑来处置——总是有死刑案件产生,但却从未执行。 ecocn

Instead, several sources indicate the official who is heading up the prosecution of Hoder for a host of alleged crimes including spying and blasphemy is pursuing the death penalty.
然而,一些消息称伊朗官方发起对霍德间谍罪和亵渎罪的起诉,并力求死刑判决。 yeeyan

Khartoum has exploded with anger at accusations of blasphemy in the past.
在过去,喀土穆也曾经暴发过对亵渎先知的愤怒控告. yeeyan

Meanwhile a Christian- inspired NGO, the European Centre for Law and Justice, has been denouncing the abuse of blasphemy laws in many OIC member states.
与此同时,一个宣传基督教的非政府组织——欧洲法学暨司法中心,已经公开抨击了很多伊斯兰会议组织成员国滥用其亵渎法律罪名的做法。 ecocn

Mr Bhatti, a Christian, was a critic of Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy laws, as was Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, who was assassinated two months ago.
巴蒂是一名基督教徒,与两个月前遇刺的旁遮边省省长斯拉姆 塔赛尔同样批评过巴国严酷的亵渎法律。 ecocn

Pakistan's blasphemy laws date back to the colonial era.
巴基斯坦的亵渎神明法发端于殖民时代。 yeeyan

The governor of Punjab province, the most populous in Pakistan, Mr Taseer was an outspoken critic of religious intolerance and of the country’s harsh and arbitrary blasphemy law.
这位巴基斯坦最多人口普遮省的领导人萨尔曼•塔西尔是一位对坦率的批评家。 他批评那些缺乏包容的宗教,批评那些专横的国家和随意亵渎神明的法律。 ecocn

The PPP dared not back Mr Taseer’s call for the blasphemy law to be overturned, nor even to back the law’s reform.
人民党也不敢支持塔希尔先生要求废除亵渎法的呼吁,甚至都不敢支持亵渎法的改革。 ecocn

The inevitable anti- American protests Mr Davis has provoked have partially merged with another campaign: to uphold Pakistan’s harsh law against blasphemy.
戴维斯先生所激起的这些不可避免的反美抗议,与另一场运动部分相关,该运动支持巴基斯坦严酷的亵渎罪法令。 ecocn

They're accusing him of blasphemy against Moses and God.

Two moderate politicians have been assassinated for advocating reform of the unjust blasphemy law.
两个温和的政治家被暗杀了,原因是他们主张对不公正的亵渎法进行改革。 ecocn

What would this kind of blasphemy against Moses and God mean?

With its special talent for blasphemy, the Soviet regime turned many of Kazan's mosques into stables and gyms.
出于其亵渎神灵的特殊天赋,苏维埃政权将喀山许多清真寺变成了马厩和体育馆。 ecocn




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