

单词 blames
释义 blame·s 英bleɪm美bleɪm COCA¹⁵⁴⁹⁴BNC¹⁶⁶⁴³Economist⁵⁹¹¹
vt. & vi. 责备,责怪,责难

say that a certain person caused an accident or a failure of some kind


responsibility for sth bad


say that it is because of sb/sth that wronghappened

an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed;

his incrimination was based on my testimony

the police laid the blame on the driver

a reproach for some lapse or misdeed;

he took the blame for it

it was a bum rap

expletives used informally as intensifiers;

he's a blasted idiot

it's a blamed shame

a blame cold winter

not a blessed dime

I'll be damned or blessed or darned or goddamned if I'll do any such thing

he's a damn or goddam or goddamned fool

a deuced idiot

an infernal nuisance

put or pin the blame onharass with constant criticism;

Don't always pick on your little brother

attribute responsibility to;

We blamed the accident on her

The tragedy was charged to her inexperience


❌ I don't think it was the nurse's blame.

✔️ I don't think it was the nurse's fault.

one's blame表示“责备…”,不表示“受责备”。

blame for, blame on


1.在含义上, blame for的意思是“责怪某人”; blame on的意思是“把责任推给…”。

2.在用法上, blame for用于blame sth for sb 句型; 而blame on用于blame sth on sb 句型。

blame for, throw up

二者均含有“因坏事而责备某人”的意思, throw up常用于美式英语中,而blame for常用于英式英语中。

blame, accuse, condemn, rebuke, scold



She is always scolding.她总是骂个不停。

2.blame指因出差错而受责备; condemn指某人有不好的行为而受责备; rebuke指因某人有不好的态度而责备; 而accuse多指因粗心、失信或不负责任而受指责,有时也作“控告”“谴责”解。例如:

It's all my fault.I'm to blame.这都是我的错,都怪我。
I did not condemn him for what he had done.我并没有因他的所作所为而指责他。
She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to his clients.她指责她的律师对待委托人的命令式态度。
They accused me of carelessness.他们指责我粗心大意。

3.accuse常用于accuse sb of sth结构;而blame常用于blame sb for sth结构。










用作动词 v.
~+名词blame the teacher抱怨老师blame the weather归咎于天气blame tools抱怨工具~+副词blame often经常责备blame completely彻底地责怪blame deservedly有保留地责怪blame hastily草率地责怪blame highly备受指责blame morally有教育意义地责备blame specifically明确地责备blame unfairly不公平地责备blame unjustly错怪blame unthinkingly不假思索地责怪~+介词blame for因为…而责怪blame for doing sth因做了某事而责备blame sb for his negligence责怪某人的怠慢blame sb for the failure因失败而责怪于某人blame on〔upon〕把…归咎于…用作名词 n.动词+~account for blame说出责备的话accuse of blame责备allocate blame分担责备assume blame承担责备attach blame责怪avoid blame避免责备bear the blame受过bring blame招来责备cast blame on责任归于censure in blame责备charge blame on归罪于charge with blame责备conceal blame隐瞒责备deflect blame歪曲罪责deserve blame应受责备devise blame设计罪责divide blame分担责任expose to blame揭露罪责free from blame免于受责heap blame on加罪于impute blame on把罪责归于incur blame招来责备lay blame on把罪责推到…头上merit blame应受责备put the blame on归咎于reproach with blame指责share blame分担罪责shift blame嫁祸于人shoulder the blame承担责任stamp with blame加罪于take the blame承担罪责throw blame on把过错推给trace blame追究罪责vindicate blame为罪责辩护形容词+~complete blame完全的责任deserved blame该负的责任directed blame直接的责任heavenly blame神圣的责任high-repented blame极其后悔的责备ill-placed blame错怪moral blame道德上的责备sinful blame犯罪small blame小错specific blame特有的责怪undeserved blame不该受到责备whole blame全部责任worthy blame值得责备介词+~for blame为…责备from blame为…责备in blame在…责备
blame for v.+prep.

因…怪罪,责怪某人( consider sb responsible for sth bad)

blame sb/sth for sth/v-ingThe other driver blamed me for the accident.那个司机指责说事故责任在我。
I blamed George for the failure of the talks.我为谈判失败责备乔治。
Don't keep blaming your little sister for your bad behaviour.不要总是把你的不良行为怪在你的小妹妹身上。
Don't blame me for falling into the water; you pushed me in!别怪我掉入了水中,是你把我推下去的!
Movies have been blamed for the crime wave.电影因触发犯罪而受到非难。
blame on v.+prep.

把责任推给… place the guilt for sth wrong on sb

blame sth on sb/sthDon't blame the crash on the pilot.别把飞机坠毁一事归咎于飞行员。
He blamed the failure of their marriage on her.他把他们的婚姻失败归咎于她。
You can't blame the rise in prices on the government.你不能把物价上涨归咎于政府。
We cannot blame the accident on the weather.我们不能把这起事故归咎于天气。用作名词n.put the blame on〔upon〕

把责任推到某人身上 place the guilt for sth wrong on〔upon〕 (sb)

take〔bear〕 the blame

承担责任 say that you are the person who did sth wrong

近义词 criticizev. condemn反义词 honorv. credit
S+~+AEssex could blame, but he could also accept other men's blame.艾塞克斯会责怪别人,但他也能接受别人的责备。
S+~+ n./pron.Don't always blame him, he is only a little child.别老责怪他,他只不过是个孩子。
He always blames his son.他总是责备他儿子。
I didn't blame you,I blame myself.我没有责怪你,我责怪我自己。
If anything goes wrong, don't blame me.如果出了什么差错,不要怪我。
Why do people blame the weather?人们为什么责备天气呢?
Don't blame other people.不要怨天尤人。
A bad workman always blames his tools.拙工常怨工具差。
The book is much blamed.这本书受到很多指责。
If I don't explain, he'll be unfairly blamed.如果我不作解释,他就会受到不公正的责备。
In that country, movies have been highly blamed.在那个国家,电影业备受指责。其他S+be to+~It's all my fault. I'm to blame.这都是我的错,都怪我。
I'm in no way to blame.我毫无责任。
I am to blame for his lateness.我对他的迟到负有责任。
John is to blame for the accident.约翰应对这事故负责。
Nobody is to blame for it.此事怪不得任何人。
Who is to blame for setting the house on fire?纵火烧房一事应由谁来负责任?用作名词n.If you don't do the work well, you will incur blame.如果你不把工作做好,你将会受到指责。
I assumed to myself all the blame.我自己承担了一切责任。
He incurred much blame for his stubborn attitude.他态度顽固而招致许多责难。
They heaped all the blame for it on me.他们把这件事的责任全部加在我的头上。
The judge laid the blame for the accident on the driver of the car.法官判定汽车的驾驶员应对该意外事件负责。
They shift the blame from one to another.他们互相推卸责任。
He cast all the blame on me.他把一切都归咎于我。
Everyone threw the blame on me.大家都归罪于我。
She threw the blame upon Bob.她把责任推到鲍勃身上。
The blame should be placed upon the conductor.事故的责任应由列车员承担。
All the blame falls upon him.全部责任由他承担。
That is, of course, not to say that the blame rests solely on the student.这当然不是说责任全在那个学生身上。
I know where the blame lies.我知道是谁的错。
Where does the blame for our failure lie?我们失败的症结在哪里?
There is no blame attached to his life.他的一生无可指责。



blame用作不及物动词时,可接for表示责怪的原因; 接on则指“把责任推卸给某人”。

be to blame的意思是“该受惩罚主动形式含有被动意义”。这里be to是半助动词,加动词原形blame构成谓语。另外,其主语可以是人,不应是物。





表示“某人有过失”或“该受责备”时,常用to blame来表达,很少用被动格式to be blamed。 blame it on him表示blame him for it因……责备某人,该结构比较少见。

She is certainly to blame.她一定有过失。
用作及物动词The driver was not toblamefor the accident.这次事故怪不着司机。
The bank manager was really toblame, though he tried to pin it on a clerk.真正受责备的应该是银行经理,可是他却想把责任推到一个职员身上。
Sheblamedhim for the failure of their marriage.她把婚姻的触礁归咎於他。
Theyblamedthe rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation.他们把通货膨胀大幅度增长归咎于石油价格的上涨。用作名词We were ready to take theblamefor what had happened.我们准备对所发生的事承担责任。
He incurred muchblamefor his stubborn attitude.他态度顽固而招致许多责难。
It was wrong of you to fasten theblameon him.你把过错推到他头上是不对的。
She tried to shunt theblameonto Miss Williams.她试图把责任推至威廉姆斯小姐身上。 The fact that the father in Oshima's film is himself a war veteran, whose arm was shattered in combat, is given more ironic political implications: he blames the wound for his inability to work.
而大岛渚此片中的父亲身为一名在战斗中失去手臂的老兵之事实,被赋予了更具讽刺色彩的政治隐喻:片中的父亲将无法工作归咎于所受伤害。 ecocn

The story goes on to quote the head of the polling firm that conducted the survey who blames Democrats for not messaging better.
报道引用了承担本次调查公司负责人的话,该负责人指责民主党没有更好的传递信息。 yeeyan

Blessed, because no one blames him.
说他是幸运的,因为没有人责备他。 ecocn

But China blames American irresponsibility for the trade imbalance and says it cannot cope with rapid appreciation.
但是中国指责美国对于贸易失衡的事不关己并表示本身不能应付过快升值。 yeeyan

But he blames Mr Scargill for refusing deals that could have saved some profitable mines.
但是他指责斯卡吉尔先生拒绝了可以挽救一些获利矿井的协议。 ecocn

Each side blames the other for the clashes, but there have been no independent witness reports to clarify the situation.
每一方都指责对方挑起这次冲突,但没有独立目击者的报导能澄清目前的局势。 tingvoa

For the most recent episode, he also blames the rise in global commodity prices.
对于最近的事件,他归咎于全球商品价格上涨。 ecocn

He vows to continue the government’s security policies, but not what he calls its “anything goes” attitude that he blames for abuses of human- rights.
他承诺继续保持政府的安保措施,但这并不表示他会原番不动。他指责“保持原样”态度是在滥用人权。 ecocn

He blames the army, mostly, for ever more desperate decisions to preserve its dominance.
他指责军队用越来越孤注一掷的决定来保持统治。 ecocn

He blames dust and smoke from the refinery and the presence of the red mud pond.
他将之归咎于炼铝厂的烟尘和红色泥浆池塘的出现。 yeeyan

He blames the delays on too many rules about genetically modified crops.
他指责转基因作物方面过多的规则造成了延误。 ebigear

He blames this on a lack of resources, determination and planning.
他把这归咎于缺乏资源、决心和计划。 tingvoa

Inspector General Fine blames the situation on a lack of oversight, but says there is no evidence that former Attorney General Gonzales was aware of Goodling's actions.
督察长法恩把这个问题归咎于缺乏监督,但是他说,并没有证据表明,前司法部长冈萨雷斯当时知道古德林的这些行动。 hxen

Instead, he blames another less well- known agreement, signed in the same month: the Anglo- Polish agreement between Britain and Warsaw.
相反,他指责了同月英国和华沙政府《英波协议》的签署,相比而言,这份协议不大为人所知。 yeeyan

It even blames Lyndon Johnson for helping in the cover-up.
它甚至还指责林登.约翰逊对刺杀给予掩护。 lailook

Mr Jobs blames“ bugs” in the software for the misunderstanding.
乔布斯将这种误解归咎于软件的“错误”。 ecocn

Will Travers,…, blames the sale in2008 for the opening of a number of new ivory shops in China.
威尔•特拉弗斯指责中国在2008新开张了数家象牙制品店,销售象牙制品。 ecocn




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