

单词 供不应求
释义 供不应求 gōng bù yìng qiú ★☆☆☆☆i.习用语⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁹ᴾᵃ¹¹²⁷⁶常用成语
supply falls shout of demand繁体供不應裘近义粥少僧多反义供过于求变体供不應求正音“供”,不能读作“gòng”;“应”,不能读作“yīng”。正音“供”,不能读作“gòng”;“应”,不能读作“yīng”。谜语多贡献勿索取
法文l'offre ne satisfait pas,ne répond pas à la demande
俄文спрос превышáет предложéние
德文das Angebot kann die Nachfrage nicht befriedigen当时在成都新的书报很受欢迎,常常供不应求。 ★巴金《忆·觉醒与活动》主谓式:作谓语;定语;用于人或商品;中性词。茅盾《长春南关行》:“现在接受了南方六个单位的订货单,每天生产一至二吨,供不应求。”解释: 供应不能满足需求。贾平凹《腊月·正月》七:“每天的产量还可以,销路也好,有些供不应求了。”


近义词 求过于供僧多粥少左支右绌粥少僧多
反义词 供过于求生产过胜生产过剩供过於求生产过賸…
本月份鱼供不应求。Demand for fish this month exceeds supply.
开始供不应求。Demand began to exceed supply.按照我的估算,这种供不应求的局面将持续至2012年。
According to my calculations, demand will increase and supply will decrease until2012. ebigear

All these plans for expansion are subject, however, to the availability of suitable land, which is in short supply. ebigear

Wealth management types are also in demand as banks look to secure stable sources of income. ecocn

When the supply of Japanese glass eels crashed, the price for American glass eels briefly increased tenfold—the eel gold rush, as Bryant calls it. yeeyan

The state sets the price, and since demand even at $500 per acre- foot greatly exceeds supply, water must be rationed. ecocn

居民抱怨说,由于供不应求,尽管政府已经对零售商下达命令,严格 控制救灾物资的价格,小型帐篷的价格还是飞涨到了原先的四倍。
Demand has pushed up the cost of a small tent fourfold, residents complain, despite government orders to retailers to rein in prices of relief-related materials. ecocn

The laws in California and Massachusetts, for example, have not been changed, so in those states eggs will continue to be in short supply. yeeyan

Today's electric cars and wind turbines rely on a few elements that are mined almost entirely in China. Demand for these materials may soon exceed supply. yeeyan

They turn out a batch each morning and, if demand calls, another later in the day. ecocn

Talking therapies should be an option but are often in short supply. yeeyan

The lifeblood of financial institutions— confidence—is in equally short supply. ecocn

Given that shortage, buyers were even paying new plane prices for a used jet because they did not want to wait. yeeyan

As demand has outpaced supply, prices have increased significantly, particularly for maizecorn, rice and wheat. worldbank

As concern over climate change improves the prospects for nuclear power, uranium demand has outpaced supply and speculative buying has forced the price up to$85 per pound, from$10 in 2003. ecocn

For the past several years, grain production has not kept up with demand; if we are to put enough food on the table in the coming decades, something big will need to change. yeeyan

In the Internet age of unlimited information, clear truths and facts are often in short supply, a problem frequently exacerbated by performers in the blogosphere and the24- hour news cycle. yeeyan

That may be in short supply, because Hamas, deeply embedded in Gazan society both as a fighting force and a provider of social services, seems highly likely to survive in some form after this war. yeeyan

This is good news, given that vaccine is in short supply despite researchers' success in finding faster- growing strains. yeeyan

The demand for these goods exceeds the supply.《新英汉大辞典》

Government jobs are in huge demand. ecocn

In other words, is the credit problem one of demand or supply? ecocn

India's government has lifted its export ban, but production is unlikely to meet demand before2011. ecocn

An increase in the number of couples seeking to tie the knot this year has led to a shortage of wedding facilities in Shanghai. hjenglish




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