词汇 | 侃侃而谈 |
释义 | 侃侃而谈 辨形侃,右部不能写作“兄”。 辨析侃侃而谈和“娓娓而谈”;“口若悬河”;“夸夸其谈”;都有“说话多;说个没完”的意思。不同在于:①侃侃而谈常形容说话人的神志;“娓娓而谈”多指说话人的感觉;“口若悬河”多用于口才;“夸夸其谈”多着眼于说话的内容不切实际。②侃侃而谈和“娓娓而谈”多用作褒义;是直接陈述;“口若悬河”为中性成语;是比喻性的;“夸夸其谈”多含贬义。 辨形侃,右部不能写作“兄”。 辨析侃侃而谈和“娓娓而谈”;“口若悬河”;“夸夸其谈”;都有“说话多;说个没完”的意思。不同在于:①侃侃而谈常形容说话人的神志;“娓娓而谈”多指说话人的感觉;“口若悬河”多用于口才;“夸夸其谈”多着眼于说话的内容不切实际。②侃侃而谈和“娓娓而谈”多用作褒义;是直接陈述;“口若悬河”为中性成语;是比喻性的;“夸夸其谈”多含贬义。 孔丘是春秋末期的思想家;政治家;教育家,又是个儒家学派的创始者。但他在当时的地位仅相当于下大夫。 孔子大力宣传“仁”的学说,并提出“仁”的执行要以“礼”为规范,极力维护贵族等级秩序,所以他是一个一举一动;一言一行都力求合乎周礼的人。在家乡,在朝廷上;和上大夫说话,和下大夫说话,他都有不同的举止和言语。 平时,在家乡与乡亲们谈话,他显得温和恭顺,好像不善辞令的样子;但在祭祀和朝见的场合,他却十分善言,只是比较谨慎罢了。在朝廷上,当国君不在场时,与下大夫说话,他言谈毫无顾忌,侃侃而谈,显得从容不迫;但和上大夫说话,他和颜悦色,十分谦恭;如果国君临朝,在国君面前,他一切都按朝仪去做,小心谨慎,还怕有不妥之处。 应该说,孔子提倡的礼教,是中华民族传统文化的组成部分,即使从现在来说,也仍有一定的积极意义。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 “ When I’m in their offices I often feel this could be the smartest bunch of young people on the planet today, ” he gushes. “ I was an optimist then, and it worked out that way, ” van den Heever continues. He gestures toward his garden blooming with early fall roses. “Then God was gracious to us as we went to Holy Medina six months after I was born, ” he continued. During the meal, my uncle was quite content and talkative. Maki thanks for the opportunity for letting me ramble on and share my two cents. Although deceptive people do not say much, they tend to spontaneously give a justification for what little they are saying, without being prompted. Today, when a newly added friend again asks me about everything here, I will tell him the same words. Six months ago Jerry Yang took the stage at the D Conference to talk about the state of his business. You are outgoing and self-confident, usually talkative and at ease in others' company. He speaks volubly like a flowing river; many people are attracted to stop and listen. He represented his country with sophistication and dignity, conducting interviews in three languages. She is very eloquent. Even when talking publicly, she speaks with fervor and assurance. To hear him talk, he was Shakespeare, and Beethoven, and Plato, rolled into one. I do think what I’ve discovered is that a journey can add depth and dimension to a life and even, in retrospect, represent it. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. A woman named Mary, who had attempted suicide three times before, smiled and spoke cheerily on her tape. Wine can help keep conversation flowing at a dinner party. This ebook provides effective self- techniques so you can communicate confidently. Each airing his own views and speaking with fervour and assurance, I felt my every pore was open, like a recorder, I could recite what they said mostly. On a morning in early May, the slight, silver- haired Allen stands in front of160 men and women at Denver's Cherry Creek Marriott. |
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