词汇 | 作威作福 |
释义 | 作威作福 辨析作威作福与“横行霸道”有别:作威作福侧重形容倚仗势力;“横行霸道”侧重于形容没有顾忌。 辨析作威作福与“横行霸道”有别:作威作福侧重形容倚仗势力;“横行霸道”侧重于形容没有顾忌。 法文agir en tyranabuser tyranniquement de son pouvoir 俄文занимáться самоупрáвствомтворить произвол 德文nach Belieben schalten und walten sich als Tyrann aufspielen 唐·孔颖达疏:“惟君作福,得专赏人也;惟君作威,得专罚人也。” 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 The actions of Sen. Richard Shelby, R- Alabama, and other Republican obstructionists will continue if President Obama allows them to run roughshod over him. When the easy water cold crest wears a murmur to leave, the that extremely bossy Pu much more western young master has already become an idiocy of standard, will hurtle a person silly smile. Borrowers rode roughshod over investors. The tyrant trod on the neck of his people. Second, such clothing is testimony to the oppression of Muslim women; they are said to don veils largely at the behest or command of their domineering menfolk. No one should underestimate the Iron Chancelleress, who has ridden roughshod over her opponents over the years. San Pao was portrayed as a weak spirited villain who cowered from the Japanese and spat on the face of the Chinese butcher. The fact is that many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands. As the financial crisis plays itself out across global markets, pink slips are flowing like Mountain Dew at a WOW tournament. There on the wall they beheld an indigenous Latin American crucified beneath a domineering American eagle, a Mayan temple crumbling in the background. Genuine pro- democracy movements are always profoundly threatening to those with their polished boots on the necks of the poor. Since independence in 1956, “ a small group of people in power in Khartoum used race and religion to divide and conquer, ” says Prendergast. From its perceived position of growing economic strength, China has been throwing its weight around. |
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