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词汇 何去何从
释义 何去何从 hé qù hé cóng 常用成语
at a loss what to do繁体何去何従近义择喜而从反义听天由命;听之任之变体何去何從正音“从”,不能读作“cōng”。
辨形“何”,不能写作“和”;“合”。谜语月下追韩信俄文какóй избрáть путь抗拒从严,坦白从宽,对于贪污者来说,何去何从,等待最后的抉择。
现在是关键时刻了,是冲上去战胜敌人,还是退下来保存自己,何去何从,你要早作决定。联合式:作主语;谓语;形容心中没底,不知去向;中性词。战国 楚 屈原《楚辞 卜居》:“宁与黄鹄比翼乎?将与鸡鹜争食乎?此孰吉孰凶,何去何从?”解释: 去:离开。从:跟随,遵从。离开哪里?走向何处?指惶惑无所适从。也指在重大问题上进行选择。战国楚·屈原《卜居》:“此孰吉孰凶,何去何从?”
方方《乌泥湖年谱·1964年》三:“平常因同校而不同班,他同大毛几人很少碰面,眼下高考在即,何去何从,大家也都想互相询问一下。”近义词 择喜而从
反义词 听天由命听之任之
何去何从, 速作抉择。What course to follow—that is a question you must quickly decide for yourself.“我们真的不知道何去何从,”她说,“从未有过如此大的经济压力。”
“ We really don't know where we'd go, ” she said. “We've never felt this kind of financial pressure before.” yeeyan

What course to follow-- that is a question you must quickly decide for yourselves.《新英汉大辞典》

The once- mighty Republican Party is a shadow of its former self, divided not only about who should lead it but also about where it should go. ecocn

Cut through all the media hype and determine for yourself just what is really going on in the world around us today. yeeyan

当应用和基础架构可以通过云端交付时,系统集成商、行业伙伴和 IT专业人士又将何去何从?
When applications and infrastructure are delivered over the cloud, where do the business models of system integrators, ecosystem partners, and IT professionals go? fortunechina

The future of the state is likely to dominate politics for the next decade at least. ecocn

互联网和现实世界的结合越来越紧密,我们将何去何从, Web2.0大会五周年正是一个思考契机。
This fifth anniversary of the first Web 2.0 Conference is a great time to reflect on where we are as a web connected world and where we're going. yeeyan

Where might that take him next? ecocn

Do you think that the proliferation of standards may be confusing people about where to go? ibm

But it is hard to see how the country’s legislative elections due on February28th, or a presidential poll later in the year, can go ahead. ecocn

For such a potentially historic declaration, however, the rest of the video was surprisingly empty of clues about where ETA plans to go next. ecocn

So, before you even decide what you need to give away, decide where it will go; relatives, friends, charities, or to auction. yeeyan

Why has it taken so long for control measures to be updated, and where do we go from here? who

I remember one night when she ran out into the street and she didn't know where to go. yeeyan

The question now, given that there is bound to be further consolidation of equity trading in eastern Europe, is where that liquidity will go.

Democrats, in contrast, never really tell us where they want us to go. hjenglish

Fortunately, the government, the U.A.W. and G.M.’s new leadership all seem to get it. They share a broad vision of where the company needs to go. yeeyan

在我看来,如果你开始思考 PLM创新将何去何从的话,那么这两大趋势是显而易见的。
In my view, these two trends are notable if you think about where PLM innovation is going these days. yeeyan

This weekend, I have to move out of my temporary accommodation and I have no idea where I'll go. yeeyan

So that you're not just handed something that's entirely new to you with no idea which direction to go, we actually do set you off on an appropriate path.163

Rumors about where James might play next season have changed almost daily since his contract with Cleveland ended July1, making the Ohio native a free agent. hjenglish




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