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词汇 Bladder rupture
释义 Bladder rupture
Con clu sion CT has advantages over retrograde cystogram in diagnosing traumatic bladder rupture.结论CT诊断创伤性膀胱破裂优于膀胱逆行造影。
Urine as a cause of ascites is relatively unusual.This occurs when urine leaks into the peritoneal cavity as a result of bladder rupture.摘要由尿液造成的腹水非常少见,它几乎只发生在因为膀胱破裂导致尿液漏到腹膜腔的结果。
The diagnosis of urinary ascites secondary to bladder rupture is usually missed at first and proper management is delayed.诊断因膀胱破裂导致尿性腹水在开始的时候常常会被误判,且造成适当处置的延迟。
Conclusion: The test of bladder affusion with bladder radiography is a simple and reliable way to diagnose traumatic bladder rupture .结论:膀胱注水试验及膀胱造影是膀胱破裂简单而可靠的诊断方法。
Conclusion Laparoscope is useful in the diagnosis and treatment of inteaporitoneal bladder rupture with minimal injury, high safety and diagnosis rate.结论腹腔镜治疗腹膜内膀胱破裂具有创伤小、安全可靠、诊断率高等优点。
Keywords bladder rupture;cystography;acute abdomen;膀胱破裂;膀胱造影;急腹症;




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