释义 |
传奇 chuán qí ☆☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁷ᴾᵃ¹³⁰⁵¹ 基本例句 legendromancestoryromauntsaga繁体傳奇那座古堡颇有传奇色彩。There was an air of romance about the old castle. 她在敌後的英勇斗争业迹现在已是传奇美谈。Her daring work behind the enemy lines is now legend. 他给我们讲了一位王子娶了一个穷人家女孩的传奇故事。He told us a romance about a prince who married a poor girl. 他的科学发现使他一生成为传奇人物。He is a legend in his lifetime for his scientific discoveries. 小女孩对有关永生的精灵的古老传奇非常感兴趣。The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures. 你能告诉我到传奇路怎么走吗?Can you show me the road to Legend Grove? |