众星拱月zhòng xīng gǒng yuè一般成语 基本例句 a host of lesser lights around the leading one;a myriad of stars surrounding the moon―enjoy the respect and support of a host of capable men许多星星聚集;环绕着月亮。比喻众人拥戴一人或众物围绕一物。同“众星攒月”。繁体衆星拱月近义众星捧月;众星攒月变体眾星拱月众星拱月。 A myriad of stars surround the moon.《新英汉大辞典》 此外,官方界定的玻利维亚“原住民”高达人口的50%,这些人对莫拉莱斯更是众星拱月。 His support is particularly strong among the50% of Bolivians officially classed as “ indigenous”. ecocn