词汇 | 众志成城 |
释义 | 众志成城 辨析众志成城和“万众一心”;都含有“团结一致”的意思。但“万众一心”只指千万人同心协力;众志成城不仅有“万众一心”的意思;还含有“力量无比强大;不可推毁”的意思。 辨析众志成城和“万众一心”;都含有“团结一致”的意思。但“万众一心”只指千万人同心协力;众志成城不仅有“万众一心”的意思;还含有“力量无比强大;不可推毁”的意思。 法文la détermination de tous fait la force 俄文в единстве--сила 德文Einigkeit macht stark 景王身边的大臣单穆公对此很担忧,极力加以劝阻。他认为铸大钱不利于流通,是“绝民用以实王府”,是对平民百姓的残酷掠夺;而铸大钟更是劳民伤财,既得不到悦耳的美的享受钟过大耳朵承受不了,又加重了百姓的负担。所以这样做将会使百姓离心,国家危险。但景王听不进去。 司乐大夫伶州鸠也劝阻说,编钟的声律强调和谐,如果百姓怨恨,那就没有和谐了。他引用民谚“众心成城,众口铄金”来表明自己的观点:老百姓共同喜欢的东西,很少不实现的;而他们共同厌恶的东西,也很少不废灭的。但景王还是不听。三年间,既铸了大钱,也造了大钟。结果是,景王在第二年就死于心疾,周王朝也随即爆发了长达五年之久的内乱。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Mr Obama has given Mr Henderson60 days and sufficient working capital to bang heads together and drive through other changes. Dalglish has helped steer Liverpool to sixth in the Barclays Premier League table after masterminding four consecutive victories-all of which have been achieved without conceding ago al. Anger with Mr Bush and the war in Iraq has kept liberal interest groups united thus far, willing to compromise on some issues in their pursuit of electoral success. Even allowing for the sometimes creepy pressure on rural Rwandans to toe the government line, there was clearly a sense of unity and purpose. Kan called on his country to prepare for sacrifice and to work together in overcoming the effects of the devastating earthquake and tsunami. Leaders might swear in public to work together, but at home they continue to wall off their own economies against immediate dangers— with no concern for the consequences next door. To face the earthquake, Union is strength. As the face of ever, a major natural disaster, the government's influence, life- saving operations, but also relies on public and non-governmental organizations surmount. I think the founders, the employees, and the investors need to rally around just one powerful idea at the very beginning. Wu said that in face of the unexpected disaster, the Chinese people are standing united and doing their utmost to stem the epidemic. They said this country was too divided; too disillusioned to ever come together around a common purpose. In the campaign of1800 the Republicans were united and effective, the Federalists badly divided. In this land, disaster can be destroyed our homes, we can block the river, but we can not resist the same boat, surmount, tenacity, and never give up the belief and determination. In this plague, Chinese medical workers exhibited their noble professionalism and the general public showed“ Unity is strength”. As long as the party people of all nationalities surmount the army, tenacious struggle, we will certainly overcome all difficulties, the earthquake relief to win a complete victory in the struggle. China's prosperity day hope, concerted efforts must be achieved. Gods, put aside the petty grievances that have splintered us for so long. We will unite. We will stand together. And I will wipe out this plague! Olympus will prevail! Finally, the PS3 is a litmus test for Sir Howard's turnaround effort, one of the aims of which is to get Sony's various divisions to co-operate more fully. It was intimidating at the start with the crowd against us but we stuck together. In the wake of the unprecedented Indian Ocean tsunami, the Indonesian people, united as one, moved quickly to rebuild the affected areas. With what looked like tears in his eyes, Naoto Kan, the prime minister, said today that Japan was facing its worst crisis since the second world war and he urged its citizens to pull together. GROUP A has met these demands by designing a building that takes BP's core values as a point of departure, thus creating a sustainable, safe and healthy environment for dedicated and proud employees. It’s hard to pass reform programs that depend on a sense of solidarity—like health-care reform or cap-and- trade— when voters are trying desperately to protect what they already have. The earthquake resistance and disaster relief will finally be a success under the strong leadership of the Central Party and the State Council, and with the united efforts of the Chinese people. |
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