词汇 | 任人唯贤 |
释义 | 任人唯贤 辨形“贤”,不能写作“闲”。 辨析任人唯贤和“知人善任”;都含有“善于使用人”的意思。但任人唯贤可指干部路线;“知人善任”不能。 辨形“贤”,不能写作“闲”。 辨析任人唯贤和“知人善任”;都含有“善于使用人”的意思。但任人唯贤可指干部路线;“知人善任”不能。 歇后语盐老板计官 俄文выдвижение по личным качествам 德文nur Befǎhigte in wichtige ǎmter einsetzen 不久,齐国发生大乱,襄公被杀,另外立了国君。第二年,大臣们又杀了新君,派使者到鲁国去迎回公子纠当齐国国君,鲁庄公亲自带兵护送公子纠回国。 公子纠的师傅管仲,怕逃亡在莒国的公子小白因为离齐国近,抢先回国夺到君位。所以经庄公同意,先带领一支人马去拦住公子小白。 果然,管仲的队伍急行到即墨附近时,发现公子小白正在赶往齐国,便上前说服他不要去。但是,小白坚持要去。于是管仲偷偷向小白射了一箭。小白应声倒下,管仲以为他已被射死,便不慌不忙地回鲁国去护送公子纠到齐国去。 不料,公子小白并未被射死,鲍叔牙将他救治后,赶在管仲和公子纠之前回到了齐国都城,说服大臣们迎立公子小白为国君。这就是齐桓公。 再说管仲回到鲁国后,与公子纠在庄公军队的保护下来继任君位。于是,齐;鲁之间发生了战争。结果鲁军大败,只得答应齐国的条件,将公子纠逼死,又把管仲抓起来。齐国的使者表示,管仲射过他们的国君,国君要报一箭之仇,非亲手杀了他不可,所以一定要将他押到齐国去。庄公也只好答应。 管仲被捆绑着,从鲁国押往齐国。一路上,他又饥又渴,吃了许多苦头。来到绮乌这个地方时,他去见那里守卫边界的官员,请求给点饭吃。 不料,那守边界的官员竟跪在地上,端饭给管仲吃,神情十分恭敬。等管仲吃好饭,他私下问道:“如果您到齐国后,侥幸没有被杀而得封任用,您将怎样报答我?” 管仲回答道:“要是照你所说的那样我得到任用,我将要任用贤人,使用能人,评赏有功的人。我能拿什么报答您呢?” 管仲被押到齐国都城后,鲍叔牙亲自前去迎接。后来齐桓公不仅没有对他报一箭之仇,反而任命他为相国,而鲍叔牙自愿当他的副手。原来,鲍叔牙知道管仲的才能大于自己,所以说服齐桓公这样做。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Therefore in the graduation to, will unify own situation, will volunteer services, I will believe, your firm will be able to appoint people on merit, knows the person friendly to use. Confucius was a self- made man and he taught that governors should be chosen for their virtue and ability, not their birth. According to9 out of10 respondents, many of the best officers would stay if the military was more of a meritocracy. My football is founded on socialism and meritocracy. The Army's cadre appointment by merits policy is the application of the Party's cadre line. We reiterate the importance of an open, merit-based and transparent process for the selection of the President of the WBG. Our heritage must be congealed into a distinct Singapore identity with such core values as meritocracy, tolerance and consensus-developing. “ By valuing popularity, organizations may be promoting a certain 'clubby' atmosphere that mimics school culture” rather than rewarding merit, the researchers write. Because of the circumstances and the limited subjective cognition, its formation and development in the army underwent a long time. In Macedonia, when administrative reforms were introduced in civil service recruitment, merit-based appointments increased by more than two- thirds. As a form of human capital accumulation, social networking has become increasingly important for people to get ahead in the free and open American society. That will l motivate the males in the original country to come up with capitalism, meritocracy, or whatever, to get their country rich. The employment of family members is for stability; the employment of competent persons are for growth. |
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