

单词 任人唯亲
释义 任人唯亲 rèn rén wéi qīn 常用成语
appoint people by favouritism繁体任人唯親近义顺之者昌反义任人唯贤;举贤任能正音“唯”,不能读作“wēi”。
俄文назначать на работу только своих людей
德文nur Nahestehenden wichtige Funktionen übertragen人事上,也有些任人唯亲的旧传统。 ★徐铸成《风雨故人》偏正式:作谓语;定语;宾语;指用人不当;含贬义。毛泽东《中国共产党在民族战争中的地位》:“过去张国焘的干部政策与此相反,实行‘任人唯亲’,拉拢私党,组织小派别。”解释: 唯:只。亲:指关系亲密的人。指任用人不论才德,只挑选与自己关系亲密的人。毛泽东《中国共产党在民族战争中的地位》:“过去张国焘的干部政策与此相反,实行‘任人唯亲’,拉拢私党,组织小派别,结果叛党而去,这是一个大教训。”


近义词 顺之者昌知人善任量材录用
反义词 举贤任能人尽其才任人唯贤
“布隆迪官方有些法律和规定禁止腐败行为,例如贿赂、任人唯亲、优先雇用及晋升和贪污。” 美国国务院称。
“ Officially, Burundi has a number of laws and regulations prohibiting corrupt practices such as bribery, nepotism, preferential hiring and promotion and embezzlement,” the State Dept. says. yeeyan

Never mind that voters rejected this sort of cronyism when they kicked out the long- ruling Liberal Democratic Party LDP last year. ecocn

“ Officially, Burundi has a number of laws and regulations prohibiting corrupt practices such as bribery, nepotism, preferential hiring and promotion and embezzlement,” the State Dept. yeeyan

Yet there is more to these groups than cronyism. ecocn

Yet plenty of Tokyo folk take his straight-talking style as a mark of integrity, even if his clean reputation has recently been tainted by an expenses scandal and whiffs of nepotism. ecocn

But several countries in Asia have grown rapidly at a time when cronyism was common, including Indonesia and South Korea in their time. ecocn

The hiring sparked allegations of nepotism at a time of high youth unemployment, which stands at about8.5 per cent. feedsky

A spell in opposition seemed apt punishment for the incompetence, cronyism and extremism of the Bush presidency. ecocn

Consider your- self fortunate if you do not work for this type of company. yeeyan

The Kaczynskis want to drive the old regime's cronies out of their powerful jobs. But they have often brought in their own chums, rather than apolitical experts. ecocn

Krugman replied that he was“ sure that there's a large literature” on government cronyism and corruption. yeeyan

Mr Eng claims that by reforming the system he has ended the cronyism and corruption that wasted money under previous regimes. ecocn

Mr Mappus chose an investment bank managed by a close friend to handle the state’s takeover of a big electricity producer; the opposition accused him of favouritism. ecocn

Bringing businesspeople into politics can also produce corruption and cronyism. ecocn

他们回来有一个使命:变革国内科学界的任人唯亲和尸位素餐的痼疾, 这在中国被认为是科研进步的大障碍。
And they are returning with a mission: to shake up China’s scientific culture of cronyism and mediocrity, often cited as its biggest impediment to scientific achievement. yeeyan

One priority for the new government ought to be to root out the cronyism and its linked party financing that gave property developers too much political influence. ecocn

Befitting his ideology, Krugman has only one policy to propose, regardless of topic: Transfer more resources from the discipline and dynamism of markets to the inefficiency and cronyism of government. yeeyan

Cleaning up what looks like cronyism may be easier than the next step: shutting down the money pipeline from Department of Defense contracts to potential insurgents. yeeyan

Expensive and inefficient, they have fed nepotism not need; cronyism not competitiveness; corruption not capitalism. worldbank




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