

单词 Blackmun
释义 Black·mun 英ˈblækmən美ˈblækmənAHDblăkʹmən COCA³⁰⁹⁷⁹BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
But having noted these difficulties, Blackmun stressed the need to resolve the issue of abortion based on an interpretation of the Constitution.
指出上述困难后,布莱克门强调在释宪的基础上解决堕胎问题的必要。 www.52lawyers.net

In Blackmun’s view the constitution and judicial precedent failed to establish that personhood applied to the unborn.
布莱克曼的看法是,宪法和之前的审判案例都没能确定人权适用于未出生者。 ecocn

All of these considerations led Blackmun to develop compromise guidelines that allowed states to interfere with the privacy rights of a woman only during the later stages of pregnancy.
所有这些考量让布莱克门制定出几条妥协的原则,仅仅允许各州在妊娠的最后阶段干预孕妇的隐私权。 lyw105.blog.fyfz.cn

Based on this evidence, Blackmun wrote that during the second trimester the state could regulate abortion only to protect the health of a pregnant woman.
基于这样的证据,布莱克门写到,在怀孕的第二个三个月,仅仅处于保护孕妇健康的目的,州才可控制堕胎。 lyw105.fyfz.cn

Chief Justice Rehnquist filed dissenting opinions in both cases and was joined by Justice- Blackmun in his Michigan dissent.
主审官 Rehnquist将两个案件中的不同意见进行了整理,并被法官 Blackmun加入到关于密西根案件的异议中来。 www.zhengfa.sdnu.edu.cn

Despite these examples of constitutional guarantees of personal privacy, Blackmun pointed out that privacy is not absolute.
布莱克门指出,尽管有这些宪法保障的例子,隐私也不是绝对的。 www.52lawyers.net

Finally, Blackmun cited medical evidence suggesting that in the third trimester the fetus is usually considered viable— that is, capable of meaningful life outside the womb.
最后,布莱克门引用医学证据证明,在妊娠第三个三个月,胎儿通常被认为能够成活,即,能够成为子宫外有意义的生命。 lyw105.fyfz.cn

Hillary and I had become friends of Justice Blackmun and his wife, Dotty, through Renaissance Weekend.
我和希拉里在“复兴周末”期间与哈里.布莱克门法官和他的妻子多蒂渐渐成为了朋友。 yeeyan

In overturning these statutes, Blackmun noted that by the 1970s the medical dangers posed by pregnancy and childbirth might be greater to women than the dangers from an abortion.
为了推翻这些法律,布莱克门特别提到,至1970年代妇女堕胎的危险应小于怀孕和分娩的危险。 www.52lawyers.net

In Blackmun's view the constitution and judicial precedent failed to establish that personhood applied to the unborn.
在布莱克门看来,宪法和司法先例都未能赋予胎儿人格。 renren

Judge Wood, for example, clerked for Harry Blackmun, the justice who wrote Roe v Wade, the1973 Supreme Court decision that legalised abortion nationwide.
例如,法官哈里·布莱克蒙曾在1973年处理过罗伊诉韦德案,并在最高法院宣布堕胎全国合法化,而当时的伍兹曾担当哈里·布莱克蒙的秘书。 topsage

Scott Blackmun, chief executive officer of the U. S. Olympic Committee, said it was result of hard work.
美国奥委会执行官斯科特。布莱克曼说,这是运动员们勤奋训练的硕果。 tingvoa

Thus, Blackmun concluded that the state should have a responsibility to ensure that abortions be performed safely, to protect the women patients.
因此布莱克门得出结论,为了保护女病人,德克萨斯州有责任保障安全施行流产手术。 www.52lawyers.net

Thus, Blackmun rejected the idea that the Constitution protects“ an unlimited right to do with one's body as one pleases.”
因此,布莱克门反对那种认观念,认为宪法保护“随意控制自己身体的无限制的权利”。 lyw105.fyfz.cn

Blackmun wrote the Court's majority opinion, the written document that announces the Court's decision and explains its reasoning.
布莱克门代表法院多数意见起草了一个书面文件,宣布了裁决并阐述了裁决的理由。 www.52lawyers.net

Blackmun argued that as a woman approaches the final stages of her pregnancy, the state has an increasing responsibility to protect both the woman's health and the life of the fetus.
布莱克门坚决主张,随着妊娠最后阶段的到来,各州保护孕妇健康和胎儿生命的责任越来越大。 lyw105.fyfz.cn

Blackmun then considered an argument that the state had a responsibility to protect the fetus.
布莱克门然后考州有责任保护胎儿的争论。 lyw105.fyfz.cn




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