

单词 以假乱真
释义 以假乱真 yǐ jiǎ luàn zhēn 常用成语
mix the false with the genuine繁体以叚亂真近义似是而非;鱼目混珠;似真似假反义画虎类犬;刻鹄类鹜变体以假亂真正音“假”,不能读作“jià”。
辨形“真”,不能写作“正”。清 李百川《绿野仙踪》第四卷:“如此办法,势必以假乱真,以少报多。”偏正式:作谓语;定语;分句;指弄虚作假;含贬义。北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训》:“馀分闰位,谓以伪乱真耳。”解释: 用假的充当真的,使人真假难分。明·毕自严《捉获假印涂良遇等据实题参疏》:“且封筒年月出自印刷,元年改作二年,几与部文无异,尽可以假乱真,览之令人骇异。”
高燮《题变雅楼三十年诗征》:“以伪乱真恣惶惑,何人辨析荡清廓。”近义词 似是而非鱼目混珠以坏充好以次顶好偷梁换柱挂羊头卖狗肉…
那坏蛋拿它以假乱真。The rogue passed it off as genuine.从钞票到波尔多葡萄酒瓶,从 Vans鞋到伟哥,制作精良的伪造品总能以假乱真,就连专家也难辨其真伪。
FROM banknotes to bottles of Bordeaux and Vans shoes to Viagra, good forgeries can be hard to detect— even for experts. ecocn

Urban legend is a form of modern folklore consisting of apocryphal stories believed by their tellers to be true. yeeyan

Put another way, only a successful forgery of for geri success enough the original is a good enough copy to avoid easy forgery. cto360

As artificial as the results of these physical alterations may be, they are done to imitate nature. iciba

Huge sculptures of the mammoths are2.5 times larger than the real ones. yeeyan

A majority of the volunteers told lies but it is the children with better cognitive abilities who can tell the best lies. yeeyan

Grain-shaped coconut flavored candles with tactile feel, paper lanterns with the aroma of South-east Asia, plume- made roses that look like real, and splendid and mystic perfume bottles. www.spcc.sh.cn

Fortunately, though, whether a computer program can pass as human is irrelevant to the goal of making intelligent robots. bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Apple's software is tuned to respond to our hand gestures in a way that makes an impression of interaction with the physical object. yeeyan

The shape and the color make the “ eye- stickers” look realistic. v1

But by setting up similar doppelganger domains, the researchers were able to receive messages that would otherwise be bounced back. treasure.1x1y.com.cn

If Musa survives the coming weeks, and purchases a convincing hairpiece, he’ll be well placed to contract himself out to wobbling despots across the region. yeeyan

The fresh milk is not cannot adulterate, but must achieve confuses falsehood with the truth, is not easy. kekenet

In such a device driver, the entire park in2000, more than the total number of dolls and animals all vividly, to the extent of real ones, people such as immersive. dw188

In the southwest China city of Kunming, officials found five Apple stores last month, including one near flawless“ branch,” yet none were authorized by the U. S. electronics company. yeeyan

This is what psychologists call the illusion of truth effect and it arises at least partly because familiarity breeds liking. yeeyan

Those absurd and taken as real action art was with the metaphorical atmosphere of social prediction and symbolism at that time. blog.sina.com.cn

This bald eagle named Beauty was fitted with a remarkably life-like prosthetic beak. ttpet

最近媒体报道说以编号 HD90开头的一百元人民币是假钞,而且足以以假乱真,连验钞机也辨别不出。
Recent media reports said that100-yuan notes, starting with numbers “ HD90”, are fake, but their quality is so high that even cash detectors cannot make them out. ewstudy

Mr Valukas marshals plenty of evidence to back up his claim that“ Lehman painted a misleading picture of its financial condition”. ecocn

These are almost authentic counterfeit Seikos that at first glance even seasoned owners could mistake them for authentic Seikos at first glance. iwatch365




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