

单词 black liquid
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A new method, cross test, is used to improve the process of utilizing black liquid to prepare additive for coal water slurry.
通过正交实验法,对造纸黑液制取水煤浆添加剂进行了工艺条件优化的研究。 chemyq

By adopting the method of soft measurement with Feed forward neural network modeling, the black liquid Baume scale of pulping section in papermaking process has been measured.
采用前向神经网络建模的软测量方法,对造纸过程制浆工段的黑液波美度进行测量。 cnki

The coagulate principle of PAFCS to papermaking black liquid is condensing the double layer electric field and the linking of high polymer.
PAFCS对造纸黑液的作用机理主要为压缩双电层和高分子桥连作用。 cnki

The commissioning experience of black liquid treatment system of a wheat straw- pulp mill was summarized.
对某造纸厂黑液处理系统的调试经验进行了总结。 cnki

This technology is a new way for the treatment of the papermaking black liquid.
对造纸黑液资源化全回收技术的应用进行了探讨。 dictall

Cationic asphalt emulsifying agent is obtained by reacting the concentrated black liquid with cpichloyydrin and ternary amine.
直接以浓缩黑液为原料,通过环氧氯丙烷引入季铵基团制取阳离子型木素胺乳化剂。 cnki

Incrustation of evaporator liquid room was the general existence and a problem difficult to solve in black liquid evaporation.
造纸黑液治理技术中,蒸发器结垢是黑液蒸发中普遍存在而难以解决的问题之一。 cnki

On the basis of this, we dis- cuss the new comprehensive utilization path of waste water in paper- making mill, especially black liquid.
在此基础上,提出了造纸工业废水尤其是造纸黑液综合利用的新途径。 chemyq

Paperblack liquid was studied with biochemical treatment by prepotent bacterium which we hnd separated and purified from the sludge of black liquid drainage channel.
利用从造纸厂黑液排放渠道污泥中分离和提纯的优势菌,研究了造纸黑液的生物处理。 zidian8

Preparation of activated carbon with lignin extracted from black liquid of pulp and paper mill by UF technique is a new way for treating black liquid.
应用超滤技术从造纸黑液中提取木质素制备活性炭是黑液综合治理的一条新途径,且适合于中、小型造纸厂。 cnki

The thermogravimetric analysis on the black liquid coal-water slurry BLCWS shows that the characteristics are the lower kindling point and the better property of burnout.
使用热天平对黑液水煤浆进行了热重分析。 研究表明,黑液水煤浆具有着火点低、燃烬特性较好的燃烧特性。 cnki

This paper specifies the design and implementation of a black liquid consistency measure and control system.
叙述化学制浆过程中黑液浓度在线测量与控制系统的设计及应用。 cnki

Through the leaching experiment, this paper studied on the slowly releasing characteristics of lignin compound fertilizer which was made of ammonia products of ammonia sulfite pulp black liquid.
通过肥料的沙柱淋溶性试验,研究了以亚铵法制浆蒸煮废液氨解产物为原料研制的木质素肥料的缓释特性。 dictall

When we treat the papermaking black liquid with PAFCS, the added residue can not only increase the removal ratio of COD of black liquid but also quicken the depositional rate of black liquid.
在用 PAFCS处理造纸黑液时加入酸浸残渣不仅能够使黑液的 COD去除率增加,而且还能大大加快沉降速度。 cnki




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