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词汇 付诸东流
释义 付诸东流 fù zhū dōng liú 常用成语
previous efforts are wasted or all hopes come to nothing繁体付諸東流近义付之东流;付与东流;反义继日成功正音“诸”,不能读作“zhě”。
辨形“诸”,不能写作“诛”。谜语残花败叶落江去俄文всё было впустую惜丙寅清水潭决,稿本付诸东流,故录其梗概于此。清 黄钧宰《金壶七墨 鸳鸯印传奇始末》偏正式:作谓语;定语;比喻希望落空,前功尽弃;中性词。唐·高适《封丘作》诗:“生事应须南亩田,世事尽付东流水。”;清 梁启超《再驳某报之土地国有论》:“而前此勤劳贮蓄所得之结果,遂付诸东流。”近义词 付之东流
反义词 继日成功
战争爆发,使他的一切努力付诸东流。His efforts were brought to naught when the war broke out.
你要是中断大学的学习,你花的钱就会都付诸东流了。If you leave college, all that money has gone down the drain!奥巴马的辛勤努力——建立区域联盟以限制联盟——很可能会付诸东流。 美国怀疑伊朗在制造核武器。
Mr Obama’s painstaking efforts to build a regional alliance to contain an Iran suspected of seeking nuclear weapons might then be left in disarray. ecocn

But the scandal that has been rumbling on since the end of November in Brasília has bested all previous efforts in this genre. ecocn

But a day of heavy rain flooded most of them and ruined what had been achieved. ecocn

But when the market falls, the insurer may have to pay out all his previous gains. ecocn

Altering the atmosphere could also weaken solar power and reverse years of work to close the hole in the ozone layer. yeeyan

Though federal student aid has risen, a plan to support community colleges was all but gutted in March. ecocn

But the problem with America’s plans for high- speed rail is not their modesty. It is that even this limited ambition risks messing up the successful freight railways. yeeyan

Well, they go down the drain if you don’t have disability insurance. yeeyan

Yet the Arabs have given equally dire warnings that if America casts a veto, its much-vaunted efforts to mend relations with the Arab and Muslim world will have been worthless. ecocn

We risk destroying all our achievements in recycling if we as a nation decide it is a waste of time. yeeyan

Soft paternalists argue that, without the power of the state behind such schemes, they will often break down: the sovereign consumer can always veto his own decisions. ecocn

数以百万计的金钱付诸东流,因为程序员开发的特性已不再具备业务价值,而 IT部门还没有找到更好的方式来应对业务变化。
Millions are wasted as programmers build features that the business no longer needs, but IT departments haven't found a better way to work with their businesses. infoq

He tried to get rates up in2004, he says, but the glut won’t let him. yeeyan

He said “ our banking system is going to lose hundreds of billions of dollars” and taxpayer money was“ going down the drain”. yeeyan

For that very reason, all of them buried themselves in their books so their family's effort would not go to waste. kekenet

One season of apples down the drain. yeeyan

Erian said a large portion of rangeland and agricultural land was under threat, with little effort taken so far to reverse the process. yeeyan

Aid agencies already fear that this will undo decades of development efforts in poor parts of the world. ecocn

The most difficult part was to find time and energy to exercise and several times all my attempts completely crashed and burned. yeeyan

Come the global crisis in 2008, a huge stimulus package driven by frenetic bank lending swept away10 years of reform. enfamily

Unemployment in Spain has soared to almost20%, suggesting that a lot of those loans are likely to turn sour. ecocn

The bad news is that as markets stabilize, chances for fundamental financial reform may be slipping away. yeeyan

His wife attempted to put him in a luxury building in another area of Manhattan last week, but those efforts were squashed when residents of the building complained. yeeyan




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