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词汇 black holes
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名词 black hole:
a region of space resulting from the collapse of a star; extremely high gravitational fieldBlack holes are predicted by general relativity.黑洞是广义相对论预言的一种特殊的天体。
One black hole hunter is Janna Levin.简娜列文是这些黑洞搜寻者中的一员。“ If black holes grow by merging, by combinations of black holes, they should spin down quite quickly, ” Blandford explains.
如果黑洞是依靠合并来成长的,在合并的过程中,他们的旋转速度很快就会变慢。 yeeyan

And it supports the notion that black holes do in fact gain most of their bulk by accreting gas.
它同时也提供了一个概念,就是黑洞的确通过气体的加积作用增长了它们的体积。 yeeyan

As Stephen Hawking has demonstrated, black holes eventually evaporate in a burst of radiation.
正如斯蒂芬.霍金所论证的那样,最终黑洞在辐射大爆发中蒸发。 ecocn

As the most spectacular object known to astronomers, it's difficult to imagine what the universe would be like without black holes.
作为被天文学家们认为的最壮观的物体,很难想象假如没有黑洞,宇宙看起来会是什么样子. yeeyan

Astronomers have evidence of a few other stars too, which might have black holes as companions.
天文学家还有其它一些星球的证据,这些星球可能与黑洞相伴。 kekenet

But it is important to have the people who know how black holes form look at this in detail.
但比这更重要的是让人们详细了解黑洞是如何成为现在的样子。 yeeyan

By modelling the behaviour of stars in clusters, the Bonn team finds that they are ideal environments for black holes to coalesce.
通过对星团中的恒星行为进行研究,波恩团队发现这些星团为黑洞合并提供了理想的环境。 yeeyan

For certain models, small perturbations to the extra dimensions would probably cause all the black holes and strings to ultimately merge into one giant black hole.
对于某些模型,对额外维度的微小扰动,就可能会导致所有的黑洞和黒弦最终合并成一个巨大的黑洞。 yeeyan

He predicted that black holes should not actually be black.
他预言黑洞实际上不是完全一片漆黑的。 ecocn

He says supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies could allow particles, and perhaps even planets with life, to orbit the singularity without being destroyed.
他认为,银河系中心的极大质量的黑洞中存在粒子,甚至可能存在具有生命的行星,围绕着奇点运转而不会被摧毁。 yeeyan

His model focuses on the way that black holes warp space and time.
他的模型集中在黑洞扭曲时间和空间的方式上。 yeeyan

I think it is still unclear whether black holes play any role in the formation of the first galaxies.
我认为到底黑洞在最初的星系形成过程中扮演什么样的角色,这仍然是不清楚的。 yeeyan

If the black holes in a binary system merge, then an even stronger pulse of gravitational waves radiates away from the system.
如果双黑洞结合在一起,那么更强的引力波脉冲波将从这个双黑洞的二元体系辐射开来。 yeeyan

If this is the case, we may not be able to recognize the hidden dimensions in everything, including black holes.
如果真是这样的话,我们未必能够在任何事情中都承认隐藏的维度,包括黑洞。 yeeyan

If two galaxies merge, so should their black holes.
如果两个星系合并,那么它们的黑洞也会合并。 yeeyan

Maybe there are entire universes inside black holes.
或许黑洞内存在着完整的宇宙。 yeeyan

One hypothesis about their creation is that they are the result of stars being sucked into giant black holes.
关于它们的出现有一种假设,即它们是恒星被大黑洞吸入的过程中造成的。 ecocn

Since universes that give rise to the largest number of black holes have the most offspring, our universe should be optimal for making black holes.
因为那些能够生出最大数量黑洞的宇宙子孙也最多,我们的宇宙对于黑洞诞生也应该很理想才对。 yeeyan

The first is just to manufacture black holes, without influencing the laws of physics in the new universe.
第一个水平是仅仅只制造黑洞,而不对新创造宇宙中的物理定律施加影响。 yeeyan

Then, on the string segment, smaller black holes would likely form like beads on a wire, in a process that would go on repeating.
于是,在黒弦的线段上,很可能会形成小的黑洞,就像金属丝上的珠子那样。这个过程将会继续重复。 yeeyan

These speculations sound like science fiction. But the theory of black holes in space is accepted by many serious scientists and astronomers.
这些设想听起来像科幻小说,但空间中黑洞的理论被许多严谨的科学家和天文学家接受。 kekenet

Yet this is the bright new picture of black holes and their role in the evolution of the universe.
但是对于黑洞和他们宇宙进化过程中所扮演的角色来说,这的确是一副闪闪发光的新图景。 yeeyan

Black holes are known to devour matter, but did they arise before or after, the galaxies in which they exist?
都知道黑洞能吞没一切物质,但存在于星系中的黑洞是先于星系形成还是在那之后? hjenglish

Black holes are thought to do this by heating up and blasting away the gas that fuels star formation.
据推测,黑洞应该是通过加热并炸飞点燃恒星形成所需的气体来做到这一点的。 yeeyan

Black Holes Contain Universes?
黑洞包含宇宙? yeeyan




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