词汇 | 人杰地灵 |
释义 | 人杰地灵 法文la gloire du héros rejaillit sur le lieu 俄文благодáтный край 王勃正好路过这里,也应邀参加。因为他才十四岁,所以被安排在不显眼的座位上。阎都督的女婿很会写文章,阎都督叫他预先写好一篇序文,以便当众炫耀一番。 大家酒酣之际,阎都督站起来说:“今天洪州的文人雅士欢聚一堂,不可无文章记下这次盛会,各位都是当今名流,请写赋为序,使滕王阁与妙文同垂千古,话毕,侍候的人将纸笔放在众人面前。 但是大家推来推去,没有一个人动笔。后来推到王勃面前,王勃竞将纸笔收下,低头沉思。过了一会儿,王勃卷起袖口,挥毫即书。阎都督见是一个少年动笔,不太高兴,走出大厅,凭栏眺望江景,并嘱咐侍从将王勃写的句子,随时抄给他看。 才过一会儿,侍从抄来《滕王阁序》的开头囚句:“南昌故郡,洪都新府。星分翼轻,地接衡庐。”这四句的意思是:滕玉阁所在之处过去属南昌郡治,现在归你洪州府。它的上空有冀;鞍两垦,地面连接衡山;庐山两山。阎都督看了,认为这不过是老生常谈,谁都会写,一笑置之。其实,这十六个字把南昌的历史和地理的概况都交代清楚了,纵横交错,起笔不凡。 接着,侍从又抄来了两句,“襟三江而带五湖,控蛮荆而引匝越。”阎都督看了有些吃惊。他想,这少年以三江指荆江;湘江和浙江为衣襟,又将五湖指太湖;都阳湖。;青草湖;丹阳湖;洞庭湖为飘带,既控制着南方辽阔的楚地,又接引着东方肥美的越地,大有举足轻重。扭动乾坤之气。写出这样有气魄的句子,不是大胸襟;大手笔是不可能的。 侍从接着抄上来几句,更使阎都督吃掠:“物华天宝,龙光射牛斗之墟;人杰地灵,徐孺下陈蕃之榻。”原来,王勃在这里用了两个典故。前一个典故是说,物有精华,天有珍宝,龙泉剑的光芒直射天上二十八星宿中的斗宿和牛宿之间。意思是洪州有奇宝。后—个典故是说,东汉时南昌人徐孺家贫而不愿当官,但与大守陈蕃是好朋友。陈蕃特地设一只榻,专供接待徐孺之用。意思是洪州有杰出的人才。 阎都督越看越有滋味,越看越钦佩,连声称赞“妙!妙!妙文难得!”再也不让女婿把预先写好的序文拿出来了。王勃写完后,走到阎都督面前,谦逊他说:“出丑之作,望都督指教。”阎都督高兴他说:“你真是当今的奇才啊!”于是重新就座,净都督把王勃奉为—上宾,并亲自陪坐。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Outstanding beautiful heart and mind mapping belongs to. Anlu, Li Bai's second hometown, human outstanding earth deities; Riverside waterfront, outstanding people, north-south intersection, a unique location. Not to know whether because“ Human outstanding earth deities”, there have lots swans, which place with the most dense swans I have ever seen. Dalu Town, a place propitious for giving birth to many outstanding people, boasts simple folkway. Gaojie Town has a long history and a good place for outstanding people. It is the most influential and famous town in Qingjian for its cultural history. Ancient County has a long history, outstanding people. Washington is home to some of the best journalists in the world. Jinhua mountains and show off, outstanding people, jinhua city zone is two mountain terrain a folder sichuan. Laiyang old times, has a long history, as early as the Western Zhou period, here is already synchronized with the Central Plains culture. Briefly named Hong and as the seat of Jiangxi province, Nanchang has been recognized as the city with splendid resources, heavenly treasures, outstanding people and smart land. Spring town has a long history, outstanding people, is the seat of the ancient Yue state capital. Jiangxian Economic Development Zone, located in Shanxi has a long history, outstanding people. Shunde is full of nature's treasures and outstanding people, meaning“ following the mighty virtues of Heaven”. The city showcases the East and the West and produces outstanding people. Many famous people are from this county. The birth of heroes have really brought glory to the place! Here is an inspiring place producing outstanding and talented people. Fu Shing town properties Freeman, outstanding, Guangxi famous“ banana town.” |
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