

单词 人去楼空
释义 人去楼空 rén qù lóu kōng 常用成语
old sights recall to mind the memory of old friends繁体人去樓空近义触景生情;人面桃花反义久居故里正音“空”,不能读作“kòng”。
姐妹们嫁的嫁,亡的亡,大观园里人去楼空,十分凄凉。紧缩式:作谓语;定语;指思念故人;含贬义。唐·崔颢《黄鹤楼》诗:“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼,黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。”解释: 去:离开。唐·崔颢《黄鹤楼》诗:“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。”
何为《园林城中的一个小庭园》四:“随着她轻轻的步履,我在‘爱莲堂’门前停留片刻。人去楼空,景物全非。”近义词 室迩人遐触景生情人面桃花一去不复返
反义词 久居故里鸾翔凤集
Pad Man gives Wyatt the order to kill Self, but Wyatt finds Self's house empty. rayzen

Jihani和他的朋友、同一部队的战友一共70人左右, Katiba之战之前的周五造访了附近的一个基地,那里已经人去楼空;
Al- Jihani and around70 others, including friends from his unit, visited a nearby base the Friday before the Katiba attack and found it empty; blog.sina.com.cn

After an appalling2009, in which the outbreak of swine flu emptied hotels overnight, the number of visitors this year will be close to2008’s record total of22.6m. ecocn

However, writer also emphasised that must keep distance to slum areas and empty buildings during night. blogbus

But behind the glitter is an awkward truth: The lights are on, but almost nobody is home. yeeyan

But thousands of animals remain, running loose in neighborhoods where fences were flattened and many owners are gone. neworiental

But there was nothing here, all the things were burnt up, even a sheet of paper could never been found. We could only judge there had been a prospecting team worked around by some tracks about. zftrans

But now the district is emptying, as the splurge of aid recedes. ecocn

He was not surprised to find the huge metropolis totally deserted. yeeyan

They had come to life in his hometown, was the immediate destruction of a drug scene of devastation, many families left vacant, with the fields is a weed and grass. chinavalue

其位于北卡罗来纳州 Fort Bragg的空旷基地已经人去楼空,所有的四个大队都在伊拉克和阿富汗作战。
Its sprawling base at Fort Bragg, North Carolina has emptied out, with all four of its brigades now fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. ecocn

He went back to Pulpit Hill for two or three days of delightful loneliness in the deserted college. dict.v.wenguo.com

She believed him, and never changed, Zennai things impermanent, empty, old joy, already with his departure, no longer. enwaimao.cn

在美国加州的棕榈谷 Palmdale和兰卡斯特 Lancaster等市,由于止赎情况丝毫未得到缓解,整街整巷的住宅人去楼空。
In California, whole neighbourhoods in cities such as Palmdale and Lancaster have been left empty because of mortgage foreclosures that have continued unabated. iciba

这件事让警察有了理由再次拜访 Dale,当他们赶到时但却发现已经人去楼空,皮卡也不见了。
That incident had warranted another visit from the police but the cops found Dale's condo empty and the pickup gone when they'd arrived. yeeyan

这里是科尔多瓦牧场 Cordoba Ranch,离佛罗里达的坦帕TAMPA不远,是住宅发展区之一,自从当年美国房地产市场崩溃后,这里就人去楼空了。
This is the Cordoba Ranch, a few miles from Tampa in Florida, one of the many residential developments that were abandoned when the American housing market collapsed. ecocn

Now the residency, although empty, has kept the characteristics of Hemmingway's time, brimming with characteristics of his time at the house. blog.sina.com.cn

All the gypsies who used to live here are gone with the wind. tdict

It was9.30am and the building was deserted except for firemen who looked astonished to see the men crawling through the wall.21goto

The factory's owner killed himself after the recall, and the company laid off hundreds of workers. Their concrete dormitory on the factory grounds now stands empty. ebigear




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