

单词 交口称赞
释义 交口称赞 jiāo kǒu chēng zàn 常用成语
unanimously praise繁体交口稱贊近义有口皆碑;口碑载道;交口称誉反义众口铄金变体交口稱讚正音“称”,不能读作“chèn”;“chèng”。正音“称”,不能读作“chèn”;“chèng”。谜语十字街头赞海迪一年之后,附近几个村庄的牧童们没有一个有她吹的好,连大人们也交口称赞。 ★姚雪垠《李自成》第一卷第二十章;一年之后,附近几个村庄的牧童们没有一个有她吹的好,连大人们也交口称赞。姚雪垠《李自成》第一卷第二十章偏正式:作谓语;定语;指异口同声地称赞;含褒义。《元史 王利传》:“利自幼颖悟,弱冠,与魏初同学,遂齐名,诸名公交口称誉之。”对于美国目前的经济困境来说,一个交口称赞的解决方案是让美国生产更多世界所需要的高科技产品。
One widely touted solution for current U.S. economic woes is for America to come up with more of the high-tech gadgets that the rest of the world craves. yeeyan

To make the products reach international standard, Ruixin spent huge amount of money to purchase air shower, and our quality have won the appreciation of both overseas and domestic customers.54086

He wowed audiences around the country with his new show. xynbnb

Local media have also praised her status as a leader among her peers; the Vogue China piece calls Ulrich “a cross-border ambassador of finance.” forbeschina

In this mode he is praised by Western governments, with Britain to the fore, for improving the miserable conditions in the countryside, where85% of Ethiopia’s80m-plus people live. ecocn

“THE Che Guevara of finance”; the “ James Bond of SocGen”. It did not take long for French pundits to elevate the Société Générale trader to the status of anti- capitalist folk hero. ecocn




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