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词汇 blackberrys
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At South America’s southern tip, the missing BlackBerrys are almost ready to roll off the line.
南美的最南端,黑莓马上就要投入生产。 ecocn

The Wall Street Journal soon will begin charging people to read the paper on mobile devices such as their BlackBerrys, the paper's owner Rupert Murdoch said on Tuesday.

As mentioned above, BlackBerrys are tops for business professionals, smartphone users who need top of the line and reliable email support, and easy to use messaging.
正如前面所说的,黑莓手机是那些希望得到最好的、可靠的手机电邮支持以及便利的短信息服务的商业人士和智能手机用户的首选。 yeeyan

Between whining kids, buzzing BlackBerrys, stacks of unpaid bills and overturned bottles of Evian and Ambien, the bedroom has become more crowded than the kitchen.
孩子们在呜呜哭咽,黑莓手机嗡嗡作响,帐单堆积如山,翻倒的依云矿泉水瓶和安必恩安眠药瓶,卧室变得比厨房还拥挤。 yeeyan

BlackBerry messages are widely thought to be tightly encrypted. But that is the case only for BlackBerrys tied to corporate networks.
大家都觉得黑莓的信息是严格加密的,但只是当黑莓与公司网络相连时才是如此。 ecocn

Bush administration staff have handed in their security passes, BlackBerrys and phones and coded lapel pins.
布什任期内的雇员将上缴安全通行证,黑莓手机,电话,还有就是别在领子上的微型对讲机。 yeeyan

But that is the case only for BlackBerrys tied to corporate networks.
但是那只适用于与公司网络有关的黑莓手机。 ecocn

In the past, IT departments controlled worker mobile devices, which were mostly limited to BlackBerrys.
在过去, IT部门控制着员工的移动设备,大部分被限制为黑莓。 yeeyan

Many major corporations give their employees BlackBerrys, which are purchased in bulk.
许多大公司为它们的员工成批购买黑莓手机。 yeeyan

Part of the coolness of Gore’s campaign was the young crowd that made up his staff and that they were all using BlackBerrys.
布什阵营里有一部分是很潮的年轻人,他们大多都在用黑莓手机。 yeeyan

Rioters used BlackBerrys against the police; can police use them against rioters?
英国骚乱者使用黑莓手机对抗警方;警方能否反其道而行之? ecocn

Smarter filters cannot stop people from obsessively checking their BlackBerrys.
即使过滤器更为智能,也无法阻止人们疯狂地查看其黑莓手机。 ecocn

Some employers forbid employees to do anything even work related on their furloughs, such as checking voicemail or BlackBerrys.
有些雇主们禁止他们的员工在无薪休假期间从事任何有关于工作的事情,如查收语音邮件或者黑莓。 ecocn

Some21, 000 FBI agents use secure BlackBerrys to share sensitive information.
大约有21,000名 FBI特工使用黑莓共享敏感信息。 yeeyan

Technology, too, may have had a role, for BlackBerrys were widely used to summon mobs.
技术也可能在其中扮演了角色,因为黑莓手机曾被广泛用于召集暴民。 kekenet

They carried BlackBerrys, CDs holding high- resolution satellite images like those used for Google Earth maps, and multiple cellphones with switchable SIM cards that would be hard to track.
他们携带黑莓手机,高分辨率卫星地图光盘以及从互联网上截取的谷歌地球地图,随时切换多个手机 SIM卡使警方很难跟踪他们。 yeeyan

Traders and fund managers who were catching some sun found themselves glued to their BlackBerrys and on the phone to their offices.
正享受日光浴的交易商和基金经理发现自己无法离开黑莓手机和打往办公室的电话。 yeeyan

BlackBerrys are still to many people’s taste.
黑莓手机依然符合很多用户的口味。 yeeyan




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